Chapter 11

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  • Dedicated to Hobos :D

HEYLOA PEOPLE! I'M ALIVE!! Lmao So today I got home from Canada :D I had the most awesomest time there especially at Niagara Falls Canada and Marine Land. I went on the Dragon Mountain roller coaster and when I got onto the roller coaster and kept going up, I cursed out loud why the hell was I on the ride... AND THEN it went down and side to side and through a pitch black cave and around in loops and it was like suicide but it was the most freaking amazing ride EVER!! WOW! Then at like 9pm we walked around Niagara Falls till like 2AM in the morning!!! Beautiful (: And so much more other things i did the rest of the week but I won't bore you with them.

So since I live like in NYC, I usually do road trips to Canada and I wrote this chapter on the way home today. Here's the upload as promised in a week........... (sorry its short and more of a filler but hey, there's something....)

Song of the chapter: Sweet Sacrifice by Evanescence ----->

Pic: well you could figure it out as you read XD ----->


[not editted]

Chapter 11

=Victoria's POV=     

I wandered around the forest until I saw cars and headlights. Walking out of the forest, I realized it was a highway right in front of me. I stuck my head out and looked down the road. I saw a cluster of buildings and lights in the long distance. Guess I'm going by foot.

1/2 hour later...

I reached the back alley on some building. I'm guessing it's a movie theater for the look of popcorn bags and nacho trays all over the ground. God, some Americans nowadays show no respect for their country. Like c'mon, even Oscar that lives in the trash can on Sesame Street is cleaner.

I didn't watch where I was going and bumped into a trash can. I steadied myself before I fell and stayed silent. I hope no one heard that. Gosh, I really hope this isn't the type of alley that gangs are around--- shit, I better not have jinxed that!

I don't wanna get murdered by a killer molesting doll or a guy with a hockey mask or that guy with the funny hand he can hurt his dick with when he jerks off or one with the white mask my grandma used to wash her face with every night. Ohmygod, and definitely not the one with the face that screams he's either getting the life sucked out of his dick or having an org@sm, and that green goblin that laughs like hehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehe. Shudders.

The rustling of paper being stepped on snapped my out of my freak out. I tried to find the best I could in the shadows and prayed to not to be raped also. I even left my rainbow condom and purple dildo back at the condo. Grrrrr, life sucks.

I leaned up against the dumpster taking deep breaths---- in and out, in and out, in and out. Hehe, that's what she said.

I spotted something shiny under the dumpster. I bent down and saw, ooooooo, a penny. I'm keeping this.

"Hey, what are you doing next to my dumpster?"

I jumped and let out a squeal of panic. I turned around and saw a guy with long hair, a long mustache that I wanted to twirl, and a long beard I wanted to stroke. His clothed were raggy and holey.

I held a hand to my heart. "Oh thank the Lord, thank Jesus! You're just a hobo."

The hobo narrowed his eyes at me. "Are you trying to imply something?"

"Yeah, you won't hurt me and I love hobos," I said casually.


I nodded.

"Thanks, Princess, but flattering won't get you nowhere," he scowled.

I retorted, "Oh, whose mangina is menstruating at the moment?"

"Shut up and tell me why you're near my dumpster."

I shrugged. "My penny was there."

"What was your penny doing underneath my dumpster?" he asked.

"What was your dumpster doing on top of my penny?" I shot back.


"Aren't my comebacks just awesometastical?"

He rolled his eyes. "Don't flatter yourself. Now get lost."

"I already am," I muttered. "But whatever."

I walked down the alley while thinking. I have like $100 bucks with me, maybe it'll last, hopefully. I can also sleep in the forest in my wolf form.

I heard some whispers and footsteps suddenly. Fear washed over me.

The next thing I knew, I was pushed up against the cold wall in the alley and a blade was pressed against my throat.



What do you think is gonna happen next to Victoria? ;O




Now go befriend a hobo.

~Tarika (:

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