Chapter 5

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Pic---> Brian playing drums, hot!! ;D

Song---> Accidentally In Love by Counting Crows. This song is awesome and goes great with this chapter!



Chapter 5

~Teresa's POV-

"Brian, Brian, Brian, BRIAN!"

"Teresa, Teresa, Teresa, TERESA!"

"Brian, oh God, stop!" I screamed.

"Nope, you've been a naughty, naughty girl!" he smirked.

"Okay, okay, I'm sorry for eating your ice-cream and getting you killed in Call of Duty!"

"That's more like it. Now say "Brian, you're the 'biggest', sexiest man on Earth."

"Oh hells no!" I laughed.

Brian was on top on me on his couch in his bedroom tickling me to death. Word of advice for all the girls out there: don't try to play Call of Duty for a boy to only end up getting them killed by zombies. I learned the hard way, ladies.

Brian didn't stop and I felt my sides breaking as I giggled uncontrollably. "Ohmygod! Brian, you're the 'biggest', sexiest man on Earth!," I surrendered.

"Why thanks so much, Teresa, that means a lot," he said holding his hand to his heart.

I took the chance to flip him over so I was on top on him with my legs straddling him. "That was very bad, Mr. Davis," I smiled evilly, saying it seductively.

Brian's eyes were amused and gulped. "I'm sorry, sexy werewolf Megana."

"No, no. No apologies, I need to give you a punishment," I continued in the same voice but whispered in a sexy voice into his ear, trailing my hands down his chest. I smiled in victory as I felt his 'friend' get excited. But I was getting turned on myself.

"And that will be..." Brian trailed off with his voice full of lust.

What I did next I strongly regretted because I really wanted to go further. "This." I got off of him and jumped onto his bed.

"You're killing me, Teresa," Brian whispered in a sad voice. Hmm, he liked it, too.

"Don't you just love me?" I asked, grinning sadly.

He didn't respond, but with my enchanced hearing, I heard him mutter under his breath, "You have no idea."

What was that supposed to mean? He liked me back? I burst with happiness and excitement at the thought. "C'mon, little boy, let's watch TV," I patted the spot next to me. I turned on his TV and Shrek 2 was on playing on some random channel. 'Accidentally in Love' by Counting Crows was about to come on with Fiona and Shrek on their honeymoon.

I got excited and chirped, "Brian, play your drum set along with the song. I love when you play!" Brian was an awesome and hot drummer, one of the things I loved about him.

Brian's eyes brightened with my enthusiasm including his name. "Anything for you, babe." He literally ran to his drum set next to his bed and literally jumped onto the seat. Wow, someone's enthused about impressing me.

He was just in time for the song. He started his amazing, sexy drumming, well it's sexy to me, and I went next to him and started to sing-along to the words. We made the cutest duet, in my opinion.

I looked at Brian and sang, "So she said, "What's the problem baby?"

[Brian sang:] What's the problem I don't know 

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