Chapter 1

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Posting the very first chapter of this book! I m too excited for my own good.

I hope you guys like it!



"Seven hells!" TJ muttered entering her room which didn't look like her's at all. Her room was a mess, not that it wasn't a mess all the time, but this time, it was a pink mess. She hated pink.

"Mother!" She screamed at the top of her voice, dumping her kit and camper bag on the ground outside the room. It seemed to her as if a tornado struck her room, and left it messy and pink.

There was no way she was going inside willingly. "Mother!" She shouted again.

"How many times do I have to tell you not to shout in the house, Tiffany Josephine?" Her mother came into view with her father in tow.

Her father's brown hair was messy, and he wore his khaki shorts and Avengers T-shirt which meant he was lazing around at home, and not working. His amber eyes were calm as he took in his daughter's irritated appearance. Her mother too looked calm in her favorite sundress as her platinum blonde locks were up in a ponytail, but the hesitation in her deep blue eyes betrayed her facial expressions.

"TJ, Mother. It's TJ. Stop calling me by that disgusting name," TJ whined.

"It's a beautiful name, not disgusting you ungrateful child," Her mother, Arabella sighed.

"Yeah, just like my room right now! What did you do to my room?" TJ asked her parents who shared a look of discomfort and then looked at TJ, confusing her.

"We painted it while you were away," Her father, Theodore simply said.

"No shit, Sherlock," TJ muttered, rolling her eyes "Why did you do it? It was perfect before!" She countered.

"It was black, Tiffany," Her father deadpanned.

"One, it was dark navy not black and second, why can't you call me TJ like everyone. It's not like TJ is new to you. I have been called TJ since Kindergarten!" She groaned in frustration. She just came back, she was tired, making her cranky.

"Okay, TJ. Can we talk inside?" Theodore asked, making puppy dog eyes at his daughter and smiled when he heard her sigh. He knew it meant she gave up arguing.

TJ followed her parents inside, but not before cringing at the pinkness of her poor room. She really hated pink.

TJ sat on a bean bag chair which looked like a soccer ball, sitting with her legs wide like boys, while her parents sat on the foot of her bed.

"Talk," She said, and her parents shared a look of discomfort before looking at TJ and sighed in sync.

"Tiff..." Her mother started, but TJ tilted her head and frowned which stopped her. "TJ, sit properly," She said, and TJ raised her eyebrows at the attempt of stalling but closed her legs a bit. Arabella cleared her throat and continued, "We painted your room because we are giving it to someone else," She said, and TJ gaped at her parents.

"What the...hell?" She said, remembering to keep her swearing in control. "Why would you do that?" She asked them.

"Uh..." Her mother hesitated.

"Yes, Mother?" She urged her to speak, impatiently.

"We are...You are..." She tried to say but paused, and looked at her husband with a pleading look. Theodore sighed, and held Arabella's hand in his, and looked at TJ.

"You are going to be a sister, TJ. We are pregnant," Her father said, making TJ's eyes turn as wide as saucers.

"What the actual fu..." TJ was saying when her father gave her a pointed look, and she bit down her swearing, "You are jesting with me, right?" She asked, unsure.

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