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Ali attacks me and I dodge it. 

"frozen Flame daggers" I say and daggers made of ice were instantly in my hand and blue flames were leaping out of them.

I leapt at Ali striking him swiftly before getting out of his attack range. He comes back with rapid bursts of flame which I put out within seconds.

"why are you two fighting" I hear Haruhi yell from somewhere to my left

I ignore her as I avoid another of Ali's Attacks, flipping out of the way and ending up standing next to Tamaki. The twins took that moment to snake there arms around my shoulders and I literality pushed them to the ground as a fire ball zipped past. I sent my own fire after it and it collided with Ali's before it hit one of the students.

"whos the idiot now" I yell sending arrows of ice and flame at him before transforming back into my lioness form my blue flames covering every inch of my body.

Avoiding my arrows and they hit some of the wolves behind Ali. He transformed as well his red flames licking at the grass around his feet. I growl before launching myself at him and he does the same. We collide mid-leap and we crash to the ground in a heap of red and blue flames.

(the onlookers POV)

The students watch as Alex and Ali clash with each other. The only way to tell them apart was their flames because of how fast they are moving.

"so pretty" I second year female student said and many agreed with her.

Most of the male students were making bets on who would win, the Blue flame or the red. Most bet that the red would win.

so this photo is kinda what I was thinking of but instead of dragons they are lions

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so this photo is kinda what I was thinking of but instead of dragons they are lions

(Erza's POV)

As we arrive at the school we head towards the big group of people gathered in one place. When we get there I notice they are all watching something and then I see it. Two flames one red and another bright blue.

We approach the hosts as they are watching Ali and Alex fight one another each getting nowhere because Alex's flames cancel out Ali.

"Natsu, Gray" I say anger clear in her voice

"right" they both say in unison

I watch as Gray and Natsu run out to the two of them fighting. Gray heading to Alex and Natsu to Ali. The others watch in aw as Gray and Natsu pull the two apart and drag them back over here.

"what are you two doing" I demand as they shift back into there human forms.

"she started it" Ali growls

"don't make this my fault " Alex yells

(Alex's POV)

Concentrated of fighting Ali I didn't notice Gray until he touched me and it startled me slightly. I looked over and saw Erza watching us fight and I let Gray drag me back over to her.

"what are you two doing" Erza demands as we shift back into our human forms.

"she started it" Ali growls

"don't make this my fault" I yell

"enough" Erza yells and I instantly become quiet.

"what were you guys doing?" Happy asks

"what does it look like they were doing" Lucy says to Happy

"you both know its pointless to fight one another so why even try?" Natsu asked

"it was his fault" I yell standing up not caring about the people around me

"how is it my fault you attacked me" he yells

"you started it" I growl

"how" he yells and I growl

"you healed me" I yell and a look of confusion is plastered on all the hosts faces.

"why would you do that?" Gray asks Ali

"you should have seen her" he says pointing at me

"I knew what I was doing" I growl

"what getting yourself killed" he yells

"what happened?" Erza questioned

"she was being attacked and was severely injured so I healed her before she could die" Ali simply states.

"you know what will happen now right" Erza said

"like he cares at least he wont be in danger there" I say before walking away

(Kyoya's POV)

"what does she mean by that?" I ask as I watch Alex stock away

"we will have to return to our birth place and shes our mothers target and so always has to avoid her" Ali explains

"why do you have to go back?" Haruhi asks

"we had an agreement that we never have to go back but only if we don't use our magic on each other." He explains

"so that's why she was so mad" Tamaki said

"yeah" is all Ali said

"just let her cool down" Gray said

Shortly after that we were all sent back to class and after school Alex never showed up at the club.

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