Dreams at midnight.

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Alexander found himself standing in the CIC of a Venator Class StarShip. It was dark. Even the familiar humming of the ventilation system missing and command consoles were dead as well. The only light came from dim red emergency lights that barely seemed to break the shadows. The only thing that did seem to catch the dim glow was the wooden plack hanging from the wall with golden letters sensiled onto it. "Pride". It was Maxwell's old ship.

The Pride seemed dead, without main power.

However when Alexander made his way across the command center and approached the bulkhead to the port bridge the foot thick Titanium blast door unsealed and swung open allowing him to enter the communications lab. He passed through the room and stepped through the double doors that led to his bridge and suddenly found himself standing, surrounded by tall trees. The forest looked dark and ancient.

Alexander sighed and breathed in the musty scent of the forest before proceeding into the dark trees in no particular direction. For a while he walked through the twilight, listening to the sound of birds singing and the screaming of some larger animals in the trees above her. It was impossible to tell how long he walked but suddenly he found himself standing at the edge of the forest. There, lying between waterfalls and hills stood an old but still remarkably well-preserved temple ruin.

A very old one at that.

It was aparent that it once had been very beautiful, still was in its own way. Suddenly he remembered the sight from old pictures. This was the Jedi Temple on Tython. Alexander couldn't resist smiling at the poesy of it. This was the place where it had begun. This was the birthplace of Jedi Order or at least that was what Maxwell's shadow realm looked like. The last place his presence retreated too before becoming one with the force. He was slightly surprised; Alexander would have expected something....well different.

At the top of a wide, worn-out flight of stairs was a large, twenty-foot high entrance doors. The king of Alderaan proceeded up the stairs and into the entrance hall. The ruins were still in remarkably good shape considering how old they looked so he headed deeper into the ruin. 

It was dark yet he knew that he had to carry on. It wasn't wise to linger in someone's mind, and bearing in mind that this was Maxwell's mind it was definitely wise not to linger around in the shadows. 

He hurried up another flight of stairs that spiraled off into the darkness. Then suddenly he stumbled out onto a balcony that seemed to be at the very top of the temple, overlooking the forest and lake.  There he stood, leaning against the worn-out balustrade. 

Maxwell was dressed simple, gray leggings and a short-sleeved white tunic. As usual, a lightsaber was hanging from his belt.

"Greetings brother. Apparently, you will insist on troubling me even in death," Maxwell childed him. The greeting seemed humorous enough but his face stayed free of any emotion.

"Ahsoka insisted that I try to heal you," Alexander admitted and leaned against the balustrade next to his brother.

Maxwell sighed, "I know, I can sense her close by. She is rather distraught. As much as I appreciate this we both know how dangerous your actions are. Healing the worst of the wounds alone could kill you. You could easily and trust me, you do not want that."

Alexander shrugged, "Couldn't say no to the girl that got you laid little brother, I mean if she was able to crack you what chances do you think I have? That and Yela would kill me if I didn't try."

The Jedi master closed his eyes for a moment. Was that regret?

"We Bays always had a  thing for Torgruta," Maxwell finally said, taking the humorous route and for once a open smile hushed over his face.

"You know, you could have just not gone on this mission. The result would have been the same," Alexander reminded his brother.

"True, however now a larger number of people know that Palpatine is a force user. That will throw up hard questions."

"Maxwell, we both know this wasn't worth it. Honestly, I've never done this before. I don't think I can heal you all the way without killing myself-" he admitted and then asked, "-you do know how do fall into a healing trance, right?" 

Maxwell raised an eyebrow. Alexander knew that he could. "I haven't been stabbed through the chest before but once past the most critical wounds I should be able to handle it myself."

No one spoke for a few seconds. "Tython?" Alexander finally asked.

Maxwell actually smiled wistfully at this, "Yes, Master Shaak Ti, Master Voss, Aayla, and I went here back when I was a padawan myself. We spent a month crawling through old ruins here."

Alexander grinned and crossed his arms. "Just out of curiosity. How did Ahsoka do it?"

Maxwell raised an eyebrow. 

"Come on little brother! For years the mighty Maxwell Bay has been cold as ice. Some say you an Aayla used to be friends with benefits, not that I ever got any confirmation or denial of those rumors but nothing like this. Ahsoka really likes you and from what I can tell you like her back."

Maxwell actually smiled at this, "She got me when I wasn't thinking straight and well,-" 

"Lekku?" Alexander asked smirking. 

"Partly," Maxwell admitted. "These might be the last word we ever exchange and you wish to address my love life? No meaning full quuestions? No convessions to make?"

"It is almost time," Maxwell suddenly before Alexander . "You might not feel it yourself but your own life force is fading."

Alexander grimaced. One of the dangers in these kinds of healing rituals.

Alexander wasn't actually healing his little brother. Maxwell was a very powerful force user and even in a coma and heavily wounded he still had wards raised to protect himself. That meant it wasn't possible to lower them to heal himself. Basically, Alexander was transferring his own life force into Maxwell to keep his heart beating until his physical body was sufficiently repaired to survive by more conventual means.

"Who is that?" Alexander suddenly asked, noticing the figure of a woman standing on the balcony of another tower, much like the one they were standing on. 

"One of the people I talked to before you came," Maxwell replied evasively and he decided to drop it. 

"The dead? Did they say anything helpful?" Alexander asked.

"You know, pretty well versed inspirational talk. I think it is time," Maxwell announced.

Understanding Alexander straightened up.  

"I thank you for trying to save me. You have my gratitude. It is time to send you back or you won't survive this yourself," Maxwell announced and then touched his arm.

A heartbeat later darkness claimed his mind.

I know this was short but I hope you enjoyed this anyway.

WinterWolf and Lengendary95 over and out.

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