Mixed Feelings

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"Set course for Ido," Max ordered.

"Okay," Shenna keyed a few commands into the computer.

Ahsoka glanced around the cockpit.

Bo Katan was leaning against the wall next to the door. The Mandalorian wasn't wearing her helmet. Then there was also Kenseth Shen, a short thin man who was now the second pilot. He was one of the one hundred 30 new crew members they had hired to man the ship. Plus five Mandalorians of course.

The stars streamlined as the ship slipped into Hyperspace. "So Padawan, first job as an intergalactic good doer is to help two renegades Jedi break into a republic prison and free a terrorist?" Bo asked Ahsoka brightly.

"I can't believe I'm going to help free the person who framed me for bombing the temple." Ahsoka fingered the end of her Lekku.

"Who would have thought working with Jedi could be fun?" The Mandalorian mused.

Ahsoka closed her eyes for a moment before wordlessly leaving the cockpit. She passed one of the new crew members, a tall tank like man in his forties named Chuck.

Ahsoka headed down into the engine room were Samuel, Robaxin, and Sheeto were doing maintenance. Samuel and Robaxin were human twins and in their thirties and Sheeto was a green male Twi'lek in his twenties.

"How is it going?" Ahsoka asked.

"Great, this ship is a lot more modern than the one we are used to working on and we have an abundance of spare parts. The heat exchangers on the coils of the Hyperspace motivators needed to be cleaned out. I think your pilot tried to do this herself but she forgot to reset the calibrator of the plasma feed from the reactor so the frequency was off by 0.06 hearts. That and as you can tell we fixed the environmental systems down here."

"So, that was it?" Ahsoka sighed. While Maxwell had busy hiring a crew that morning Ahsoka and Shenna had been busy down here in the engine room trying to find out why the Hyperdrive wasn't working. Then the environmental system had stopped working and the engine room had heated up to around 140°F. In other words, it hadn't been fun.

"Do you need help with something. I really don't want to be on the bridge right now?" She asked.

A sly look appeared on the twins faces, "Actually you could help."

Ahsoka had the feeling that she wouldn't like this. "Yes?"

"Could you crawl through the ventilation shafts and check the Biomonitors?"

The padawan sighed. "Okay, give me a bag full of the necessary replacement parts."

Yela sat down on a sofa in the living room. Although Alexander had healed her wounds after surgery she still felt rather weak and tired. Still, she had hoped that after a day she would be in better shape. At least her little one was fine and kicking. Perhaps that was all Yela could ask for.

"She will be ready in just a minute," Alexander announced and sat down next to his wife.

He wrapped an arm around her and kissed Yela's temple. "It'll be fine. We'll find them." He announced.

Just then the holographic projector lying on the small table in front of them started beeping. Alexander leaned forward and pressed a button.

The hologram of an attractive, young chocolate skinned woman appeared hovering over the projector.

"Commander Foster," the king greeted the Naval officer.

"Your majesties," she nodded at them.

"I trust you are doing well my Queen. I apologize that this could happen and take full responsibility." Yela cracked the smile. She liked Foster.

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