It's Never Too Late To Start Drinking

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Ahsoka walked up the street corner where she and Max had agreed to meet. She had just bought her new clothes back to the ship and was now ready to head off with Max.

Ahsoka was wearing her usual combat suite under the standard Jedi cloak with a raised hood. Finally, she spotted him. Just like her mentor, she was wearing a standard Jedi robe.

"Are you ready Ahsoka?" he asked.

She nodded, "Yes. Just for the protocol, I still think we should disguise ourselves."

"Noted, let's go," He said amused.

They walked over to the bus station and took public transportation downtown and down to the lower sublevels of the city, the part of the city the hand of law held only sway in.

They stepped out of the bus and stood there for a moment. Barely any light reached the ground level of the city so that place was bathed in constant twilight. Representatives of nearly all races were bustling around.

Ahsoka didn't trust a single one of them.

Socially acceptable people didn't come down here, even the impoverished living on the higher levels. Ahsoka followed her mentor into the crowed, careful not to lose him.

She was surprised by how little attention the people around her paid them. Perhaps no one cared.

The padawan quickly decided that she hated it here. Crowds made her abilities in sensing movement around her with her Montrals useless. That and the stench wasn't very pleasant either. Ahsoka caught up with Maxwell and walked next to him. She decided that traveling with a much bigger and stronger looking male might lessen the risk of any slavers or thieves trying their luck with her. Not that she wasn't confident that she couldn't handle them, but her gutt told her that activating her lightsabers down here wasn't a wise idea.

Finally, they turned out of the crowd and headed down the dark alleyway. The ally was dirty, narrow but luckily contained only few people. The people they met were mostly mobsters and well...prostitutes.

"Master, what are we doing here?" Ahsoka asked slightly annoyed.

"Making sure we aren't being followed. I know a more discrete way to our destination. By the way, my assessment was right. I learned earlier that there was a massive space battle over Coruscant. Shaak Ti lost her life but apparently your former master killed Darth Tyranus."

"Anakin? Is he alright?"

Maxwell shrugged.

"I do not know. I assume he is fine though."

Ahsoka sighed in relief.

Suddenly she became very aware of the fact of how many of the men they passed were looking at her and again she was reminded that Slavery was legal here.

Of course, she didn't think that Slavers could harm her but she moved closer Maxwell none the less. There was no reason to take any risks when she didn't have to.

"Do you think we are being followed?" Ahsoka asked to fill the silence.

"No, but it's still worth looking into. There is a good chance that we are already on the Hutt's radar."

Ahsoka suppressed a groan, "Aren't the Hutts allied with your brother?"

Maxwell chuckled. "They are. However, I did break into my brother's palace and freed you from captivity. I also killed a few people on the way. Bearing that in mind I fear sharing a last name with my brother won't get me any preferential treatment."

Ahsoka sighed, "I guess I shouldn't complain about you getting me out of there."

They stopped at another dark corner and peered around it. Ahsoka followed his examples.

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