One With The Force

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Hello, so here I am. I went to a Nightwish concert yesterday and it was awesome. For some reason, my phone (or wattpad) keeps moving the second chapter to the end of the story. So chances are you've missed it. Check it out.

Also, I wouldn't mind a vote or two or comments of course.


Ahsoka sat down against the wall of the small shuttle bay panting heavily and drenched in sweat despite the cool climate. Her lightsaber was lying loosely in her hand.

She should have known that it would come down to his. It was the second day into their jury and they had nothing to do so Ahsoka so Maxwell had decided to do some light sparring to pass the time.

That had been until Max had realized how unbalanced her style had become. How much she depended on her shoto and how much her abilities as a duelist had suffered under fighting droids. From that moment on it had turned into a real sparring match.

At first, Max had ordered her to put aside her shoto and then he had told her to stop holding the lightsaber reverse grip, insisting that they got back to basics.

It had taken a while but she had slowly gotten the hang out of the new more conventional style though she preferred the one that Max and she had worked out together all those years ago. Of course, she knew he was right. Her own experience had become her greatest enemy.

"Come on Ahsoka! I've seen Yela fight better!" Shenna mocked from the other side of the room. Ahsoka made a rude hand gesture back at the younger girl while Max slowly strolled towards her. He didn't even have the decency to pretend as if he was out of breath but he was at least sweating. Max was wearing his black, short-sleeved combat suite while Ahsoka was wearing her only outfit which luckily was a combat outfit.

Now that she thought about it, she didn't have any spare clothes. The only possessions that she still had where her lightsabers and the clothes she wearing which weren't in the best condition. Her clothes had definitely been smelly before fencing, now the would be toxic. Yes, getting tortured is a sweaty business.

Apart from the sweat, her body suit was covered in grime and scorch marks. "What are you thinking about?" Max asked.

"That I really need to go to wash my clothes and hit the showers because I haven't seen the inside of a shower since I arrived on Alderaan. My clothes are filthy and so am I."

A tiny smile appeared on Max's face. "Yes, you are. Get yourself cleaned up."

Ahsoka got to her feet.

"Ohh and Max. Don't you dare set a foot in the stateroom until I give the all clear unless my life is in danger or something. I don't have any spare clothes so you know what that means."

"Don't worry. I have no intentions of violating your privacy. Take all the time you need. The stateroom on the up on the top floor behind the upper Turbo blaster batteries is unclaimed. You can have that room for yourself. Shenna, I suggest you take the first mates quarters. I'll take the captain's quarters."

For some reason, Ahsoka blushed as she retrieved her Shoto and left her room in a hurry.

She climbed up a few flights of stainless steel stairs until she reached the highest deck and a minute later she was standing at the entrance of the stateroom. It was quite luxuries and big with a small living room and a bedroom with an attached bathroom that included a small vending machine and a shower.

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