Playing After The Rules, Backed By Star Cruiser Of Course.

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"Perhaps it's because you are so small", Max clear mental voice rang out in her head as she crawled through the brushed aluminum ventilation shafts, pushing the bag with the replacement computers in front of herself. Ahsoka giggled quietly in a very un-Ahsoka like way. He had that effect on her.

The only light came from the narrow slits on the bottom of the shaft.

"I'm not short Ma-" Just then there was a loud crack and for a moment Ahsoka felt weightless. She shrieked before crashing down on the top of the conference table.

The Padawan rolled on her back clutching her side and groaned in pain before finally sitting up.

Bo-Katan and Shenna had jumped up from their seats in surprise were staring at her wide-eyed. 

Only Maxwell had stayed seated.

Her master studied Ahsoka with a raised eyebrow. 

Ahsoka slid off the table and winced. Had she managed to break a rib again?

"I was working on maintenance," Ahsoka grumbled, her cheeks flushed. 

This was beyond embarrassing in Ahsoka's opinion.

"I call this meeting closed. Ahsoka, let's head down to the med bay. That fall didn't look healthy."

Her mentor got up and they left the room and headed to the medbay where Ahsoka sat down on one of the beds. Each breath was painful.

"Thanks for smoothing things over like that. That was so embarrassing," Ahsoka complained.

"It was amusing," Maxwell confirmed.

Ahsoka blushed again, then winced after breathing too deeply.

"Let me get a look at those ribs."

After sighing dramatically and being rewarded by another dose of pain Ahsoka pulled off her red top leaving her in a gray sports bra.

She groaned internally when she saw the growing bruise. It sure looked as if she had broken a rib.

Her mentor kneeled down in front of her and Ahsoka closed her eyes and he checked each of her ribs. She tried to ignore the goosebumps that his cool touch sent over her body and winced when his cool hands found their mark.

"Definitely broken. You're lucky, though, it's only one rib. Let's get an X-ray to be one the safe side." Ahsoka rolled her eyes. 

"Ahsoka, I might not have my brother's abilities but I am still the person with the most medical training on board."

"Sorry," Ahsoka lay down on her back while Max moved the X-ray machine into position over her torso.

"Definitely broken. I can't see any damage to your spine which is good. We'll just bandage you up and you'll be fine."


Alexander leisurely stepped out of the gunship followed by Delta squad. It was nearly midnight.

They were on a grass-covered hilltop that over looked the valley and the city of Fornost. At the center of the city throned a medium-sized large palace.

The King and his guards weren't alone though. The members of the house Rist were kneeling in the grass in a long line surrounded by Commandos. Many of them looked as if someone dragged had dragged then from their beds. Men, women, and children.

Captain Sparkles approached the king. "We kicked down the door down half an hour ago and brought them here." 

"Very good. Let's settle this."

Alexander walked towards one of the prisoners, a middle-aged Man. The man got to his feet. "What is the meaning of this?"

Alexander was just about to answer when deafening thunder rolled over the countryside and the ground under his feet from the force of the sonic shock wave. The King would have recognized that sound anywhere. It was the sonic Shockwave from a Star-Cruiser dropping out of super sonic speeds. 

The King turned around and sure enough, spotted the graceful shape of a Ventnor-Class Star Destroyer descending through the clouds. Even from here, over five miles away he could see thousands of Windows glittering on the ship. It was the Pride. As usual Nina Foster was right on time.

The King turned back to the house leader with a stony face. "Horrend Rist, as you probably know my beloved wife was attacked recently." 

Unease past over the man's face. "So, what does that have to do with us?"

The king crossed his arms. "Well, Captain Nina Foster and her band of nerds are under the impression that your family paid the hit squad. In other words, you better start explaining a few things very quickly or your entire family will wash up on the shores of a beach tomorrow."

Definitely, not my best work but I don't have time at the moment. I'm studying for high school finals.
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Winter Wolf and Lengendary95 over and out.

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