The Battle

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The last Mandalorian closed the door behind him as he left.

Ahsoka couldn't blame Barriss for being afraid. Ahsoka probably knew and understood Maxwell better than anyone else alive after being granted access to the most intimate and private part of his very soul back than when she was still part of the Order.

She nearly smiled at the memory. Obi-Wan, herself and Rex had snuck onboard the Pride shortly after Max had originally defected. They had gotten caught and instead of doing anything drastic Max had just let them run.

Shortly before they had parted ways Maxwell had made Ahsoka that gift of trust and friendship, perhaps as an apology. She still didn't understand why he had done it.

Despite how well she knew him even Ahsoka would be scared if he ever looked at her the way he was looking at Barriss. His face was a mask, devoid of any emotion what so ever. Together with that, his graceful feathers, silver blond hair and the cold sparkle in his icy gray eyes he had something unapproachable and intimidating. He radiated power. Moments like this reminded Ahsoka that no matter how much she liked him Maxwell was still one of the most deadly fighters alive.

When he addressed her his voice was deep and perfectly calm and controlled. "Barriss Offee, I freed you from prison because I believe you deserved a second chance. I don't give third chances. If you betray Ahsoka again or any other member of this crew I will personally end your life."

Barriss nodded slowly. "I understand. I promise that I won't disappoint you."

"I hope so. You'll need this, though." Max held out a lightsaber hilt to Barriss.

"I took this from a padawan I met earlier down in the prison. Put it to good use," the Jedi Master said and Barriss accepted the weapon, "I will."

"I sure hope so. Saving you cost me quite a few allies. I'll be down in the engine room."

Ahsoka and Barriss exchanged a look. "Your Max's padawan now?" Barriss asked.

An awkward silence spread b between them, "Yeah, he's a really good teacher, though. Do you want to do some sparring?"

Barriss shrugged. "Sure, could I send a message to Master Luminara first?"

"I can't see why not. Max is still in contact with the Queen of Alderaan after her husband branded him an enemy of the state. I don't think anyone would mind."


The moment Alexander and Boss were back on Alderaan they headed towards the Royal armory were Alexander had put on his beloved Republic Commando armor.

The two men were heading down in direction of the hangar where the Royal Guards Squadron was waiting ready. General Tanasha Lay and her staff from house Alde really didn't need his help in mobilizing the army. There was nothing he could do to help speed things up.

No, he and Boss were planning to do something productive. One of the first things Maxwell had done was to buy thirty starfighters from Naboo.

His choice had fallen on that particular type of ship for a number of reasons. They looked very sleek and graceful which made them ideal as diplomatic escorts and for air shows. That particular type of ship wasn't very maneuverable but it had very good acceleration capabilities and it had a hyperdrive. It was also heavily armed with its dual Glint-light Laser cannons and twin Mk-3 torpedo launchers.

>>The rest of the Squad has teamed up with the Night Ops and the rest of the Commandos. Apparently, they took a gunship back down to the planet to help with the defense,<< His old friend's voice rang out through his helmet's headset.

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