Another Prison Incendent.

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So, here is another chapter for you. I hope you enjoy yourself.

Barriss Offee

Barriss was sitting cross-legged in her cell, trying to find some peace before the end came. She was wearing a bright orange jumpsuit which probably clashed horribly with her green skin but at this point, she didn't really care. The former Padawan knew that her life was nearly over. Aesthetics didn't really matter at this point in time.

She didn't regret her actions. Her motivations had been honest and sincere. The Jedi Order wasn't this nearly divine force of good anymore that everybody portrayed it to be. It was an ancient organization that was in many ways detached from reality and desperately tried to maintain an obsolete status quo instead of changing with the ages and reinventing itself to continue serving the people they vowed to protect. The Individual member was usually sincere about his or her wish to do good but as an organization politics got in the way of actually doing what had to be done.

Yes, the Jedi tried to maintain peace. But that went against every illusion of freedom. In political systems as old as the Republic reforms never really came through. Every attempt to change things for the better were seen as an attempt to endanger peace. In a way that was true of course but if peaceful reforms were no longer possible it was high time for a violent revolution. In

Barriss's opinion the Jedi should be fighting for the people instead of backing a corrupt system. Sadly the opposite was the case. Count Dooku was by no way a saint or a protagonist but he was the best possible alternative. The only thing she did regret was framing Ahsoka for her own deeds.

Fortunately, Ahsoka's name had been cleared. Barriss was relieved that her old friend didn't have to face the punishment for her crimes. The mighty and wise Jedi Council had been so ready to believe that Ahsoka had betrayed them and had just tossed her aside. She had been right to leave the Order. In retrospect, Barriss thought that she herself should have simply left the order instead of trying to force it down the right path.

Still, she regretted nothing. She had done what felt right at the time even if she had made the mistake of giving in to the dark side.

Barriss heard the door to her cell open and opened her eyes. Lunch again.... She sighed. It was hard to keep track of time when one spent most of their day meditating and trying to bury your own demons.

The Mirialan female got to her feet and slowly walked out of the cell and joined the stream of female prisoners on its way to the mess hall.

Barriss Offee didn't talk to anyone. When she had first come here a few of her fellow inmates had tried to give her a hard time. After a short display of her force abilities and skills as martial artists, they had decided to leave her alone.

Once she had gotten her meal from the counter she sat down at an empty table. Her eyes flickered up at the mirrored windows that lined the first floor. How many clones were watching? It didn't matter. Barriss no longer had any intention of trying to flee.

"I might not be a fashion expert but even I can see that your jumpsuits clashed horribly with your green skin," A painfully familiar voice addressed her just as she was about to indulge in her meal.

Barriss slowly turned around to face Ahsoka Tano. Her former friend was wearing the orange prison pants and a skin-tight brown/grayish exercise top.

The first thing Barriss noticed was that Ahsoka had lost some of her curves. In exchange, she looked a lot more athletic, with toned muscles gracing her arms and shoulders. She looked as if she had spent the last few weeks working out a lot.

StarWars: Renegades -In The Name Of The FallenOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora