"But Erick's gone to Paraguay! He's been acting all crazy lately, not showing up to rehearsals, or if he does, he's late. And he's got his brain in the gutter, he doesn't sleep, he looks paler than  Mr.Grossweiner's yellow teeth and—"

"You're doing it again."

"My bad." He sighed loudly. " He's all over Twitter. "

"What'd he do?"

"Literally went to almost every Hotel in Paraguay to ask if you were staying there. Then he took out a picture of you and started asking people if they'd seen you."

"Ay no....you can't be serious." I groaned.

"Does it sound like I'm joking?" He whined.

"How the fuck am I supposed to know? You're always serious." I teased him. 

"You know what?" I could sense the malicious smirk in his voice. " I don't fucking regret giving Erick the address of the hotel."

"Oh I'll make you feel sorry, just you wait until I get my hands on that precious little neck of yours next time I see you!"

"Ouu can't wait shorty." He chuckled.

"Adios Estupido." I hung up.

I plugged in my phone to charge, but was taken aback by Yoandri , who was shoving everything into his Adidas black back pack.

"C'mon Vámonos!" He said in a singy tone.

"What the hell are you doing Dora The explorer?"

"Trying to save your ass. Now get up and help me pack, we still got a few more minutes if we go out the back door."

"Wait why are we escaping? As far as I'm concerned you're the one who ordered all that room service. Not me. " I reached for my purse, "But don't worry , I gottchu." I took out the credit card my dad had given me before leaving. "Or my dad does."

"No." He shook his head nervously. "Erick."
Yoyo was standing infront of the window, as if blocking something.

"Damn, that's probably the biggest spider I've ever seen." I pointed behind him.

"AHHH!" He shrieked and sprinted across the room with his hands up.

"Oops my bad, it must've been the piña Colada." I giggled.

I opened the curtains to see what he'd been trying to cover up, and my jaw almost dropped to the ground when I spotted him.

He really had come after me.

He'd actually left everything dear to him behind, just to come after me.

He was just stepping out of a black Cadillac Escalade, a bouquet of bright blue roses tucked under his arm.

"Hurry!" Yoandri gripped my arm tightly, nodding his head towards to the door.

But I didn't move, only glanced at him.

"You're...not coming?" Yoyo shot me a confused look.

Unexpected Stupid Feelings(Erick Brian Colon/CNCO) [✔️]Where stories live. Discover now