30 | Niall

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Days turned into weeks, and weeks turned into a month, before I know it I'm back in Holmes Chapel. My stuff should already be packed, and my dad should be the only one home. My mum awaiting in the car, as I race inside to grab my last minute stuff for college.

It seems I take longer than usual to open the door to my house. I feel like opening this door is opening so much feelings I'm not ready to face just yet. It's weird to be here really, the last time I was here I was miserable teenager. Funny, because I still kind of am. I'm so miserable, and I know it's my fault for feeling like this. It's still breaking me deep down inside, and I know I can push myself to open the door.

I hold in the tears, and push through the door. It's quiet, and I don't think I've ever been in this house when it wasn't loud. Harry was always making noise, just to bug me. It makes me laugh to think about, just how childish we both were to one another.

"Niall!" I turn to the voice, my father. He's standing with his arms wide waiting me to take me in for a hug.

"Hey dad." I hug him tight, really acknowledging the reason why I did what I did. His hug is warm, and I really just miss being here with him, Anne, Gemma, and yes Harry. Even the time he was obnoxious.

"You just missed Anne, Gemma, and Harry. They're off to drop Harry off," he explains. I look down to my hands, just at the mention of Harry. It still stings every time I hear his name, the things he still does to me is phenomenon.

"Well we should grab those boxes, yes?" I change the subject fast. I don't need to hear anything more about Harry, just more guilt to hang on my shoulders.

"In your room, I'll be right up." I jog up the stairs, letting my dad do what he needs to do.

I open my door, a couple boxes on the ground. I decide that I need just a few more things. I grab the empty box on the floor, and place it on my bed.

I walk over to my dresser, and get lost in finding the one thing I came here for.

I guess I had been so into looking for the one thing I came here for, I hadn't even notice my dad has joined me from the cough he sounds.

When I turn around, my breath hitches and the picture frame I'm holding drops to the ground. The one person, I tried so hard to avoid is standing only just five metre away from me.

My first thought is to run into his arms and just stay there, but I can't. My feet are glued to the ground, by the tension that's stiffening in the air. Our eyes meet, and it seems like the one thing I've been searching for so long is now standing in front of me.

"Harry-" I breathe out, cutting myself off. I'm too shocked, he looks more beautiful than ever.

His arms are crossed over his chest, and he's leaning against my door frame. He opens his mouth to speak, and the words that formulate hit me right in the chest. "You left."

It's all he says, with each word breaking my heart. I look down at the broken picture frame, too ashamed to actually look at him any longer.

When I look back up, the tears in his eyes are evident and it hurts me to know I've caused him so much pain.

He laughs, and this kind of stings me where it hurts. "You don't deserve me Niall, and I was a fool to think you even cared."

"I do care Harry, so much." I walk closer to him, but he seems to stop me in my tracks.

"I don't even want to hear it." He turns around, but this time I'm not letting him go. Not when he's standing this close. I pick my feet up and grab ahold of his wrist swinging him back into my room. I close the door fast, and push him up against it.

"I'm not letting you go this time Harry." I wipe the tears that are still falling freely down his cheeks. He tries to free from my grip but I don't let him. "I love you so much."

Before he can even get away, I'm grabbing his cheeks and bringing him in for a kiss. When our lips meet, he falls instantly into it.

Both of us, moving together hungrily. I'm fighting with his clothes, but his hands move to stop me and he's now pushing me away. "Please Ni," he croaks.

Our foreheads resting on one another, "let me go."

I let his words process, and nod not wanting to put up the fight with him. I step back, letting him walk away this time.

With each step he takes, I feel myself breaking all over again but this time much, much worse than ever before. This time, he's walking away and not me, and I never knew it would hurt this bad.


When I get back into the car after loading the last box, my mom is frowning. I'm finding it hard not to break into tears again, but I can't help it.

This time I break down completely and she is there to hold me when I do. She's rocking us back and forth and within minutes I'm almost calmed down completely.

"Awh my baby, I'm so sorry." I stay quiet, while she pulls away and starts the car leaving the conversation for after.

I lean my head against the door, too saddened to even explain what happened to my mum. Then my phones goes off earning me to look down.

Again, my mouth dry.

To Niall:
From Harry:

Dear Niall,
Why do we always seem to walk away when we both know deep down what we want. I want you so fucking much, but I'm angry. I'm angry at you for leaving, and making me feel like I'm completely worthless. I stayed up day and night thinking about you, and wondering if you're doing the same. You know I've been through this before, not in the same situation but feeling completely lost and just broken.
I've been through it too many times, that I don't think I can handle it another time but hey here I am. Living, and surviving what you caused.
I always wonder why you left, and tried to fit the puzzle pieces together but they wouldn't just fit. This jigsaw puzzle that's Niall Horan, is completely impossible to crack and figure out. So maybe if you just talk to me, and tell me how you feel, I can understand why you did what you did. Maybe we can move on, together. If it's what you want, because I know what I want. I want you, but you need to make a promise not to break me so much this time. I love you, Niall and I'm not walking away. I just needed you to understand what you put my through, childish and totally Harry thing to do. But please understand that I want you. Call me sometimes, all the love. - H

••la fin••

how about that ending? epilogue next! ITS ALMSOT OVER 😭😭😭😭

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