19 | Harry

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I kept my eyes shut, not wanting to wake up and ruin the perfection of last night. Really not wanting to come to reality on how we're going to deal with all of this. What if Niall wants to end this again? Because there is no way it'll work out.
I can feel shifting on the bed, and a body turning to face me. My arm is currently draped around Niall's perfect body, while I pretend to stay sleeping.
After a couple seconds later, it looks like I'm not pretending any longer before Niall's slobbering tongue is licking my cheek.
My eyes shoot open to find him giggling, like a little school girl. I can't help but break into a smile. I guess we aren't being awkward about this, and I'm glad he decided to wake me up.
"Your so cute baby." I grab his face with my hands and move to hover above him to plaster to small innocent kisses along his beautiful faces.
"Harry!" He gasps. He bites his lip, and I let myself fall beside him. I love this, just being here with him, it's almost seems perfect.
"Your so beautiful, Ni." I caress his cheek, and he lets his blush form on his cheeks.
Niall smiles and comes up to peck my lips quickly.
"We should go for a shower.." He trails. I raise my eyebrow, it's almost as if he's hinting at something.
"Okay, be quick." His faces falls a little bit, and I'm only bugging him. I'll obviously join him, I just want to bug him a little bit. It's cute, like old times.
"No," he says. He sighs and falls back into his pillow. "Shower with me."
I chuckle, and peck his cheek quickly and get out of bed. "Course baby."
I reach the door and turn back to face him. He's still laying in his spot on the bed, watching me.
"Well, aren't you coming?" I ask. He perks up and jumps out of bed following me into the shower.
We don't do anything in the shower sexual, but peck each other on the lips and hug each other, to warm the other up. It's perfect, Niall is the one to get out first and I follow a suit right after and shut off the water.
I remember I don't have any clothes. "Hey babe, can I borrow some clothes?"
Niall is looking through his bag and I can see him nodding his head from the place he's standing. I pace over to him and he stands up. He hands me black jeans, some calvin's, a black plain t-shirt with a red flannel shirt to wear over.
We're both dressed 5 minutes later. Neither of us bothering about our dampen hair. We head downstairs to feed our hunger.
When we get downstairs to the restaurant, we spot our family right away. When we reach the table everyone welcomes us with good mornings. Unfortunately there were 2 open seats left but they were not next to each other, so I took the seat between Gemma and Liam, while Niall took the seat between my mum and Louis.
"So what did you two boys do last night?" Gemma asks. I turn towards her, her smirk wife and mischievous. Niall coughs and everyone looks towards him.
"We just watched movies." He shrugs. I nod along with him. Everyone seems to not believe it but our parents.
"Thats great you two are getting along," my mum says. "It's seems you two are always back and forth."
Bobby nods along with my mum agreeing. "But it's nice to see you two getting along."
Everyone agrees and I feel like Niall and I are both in the spotlight.
"Oh you don't even know." I turn to Louis, who's smirking at me. I bite my lip holding me back from saying something I might regret. I look over at my mum and she seems to be sceptical about Louis' side comment. Until she looks me in the eyes and I feel like everything I was worrying about has just unravelled. I can sense she sees the guilt in my eyes.
I break the eye contact looking down to my hands trying to break this tension that seems to be growing.
If Louis just kept his fucking mouth shut. I don't know what my mums thinking, and I don't know if I want to know. She continues to read her menu while I do the same. I know she's going to ask me sooner or later about what's going on.
Whatever Niall and I have going on is definitely going to have to stay on the down low.


Today is our last day I Berlin and we all decided that we we're not letting the rain bother us today. It's certainly down pouring and a thundering, and none of us want to waste this opportunity to explore.
So we decided on a simple art museum downtown that's not so popular, but isn't this where the undiscovered is? Niall and I stroll beside each other checking out the undiscovered art work, and let me tell you, each and every piece is quite exquisite.
Niall stops abruptly and I turn to look at the art work on display. It's a dichotomy piece, where it shows a girl thinking; but she's thinking about everything to, school, work, boys, friends, family, and how she looks. It shows two thinking bubbles on each side of her head but in the background on the right is the day time where she shows how she handles all of this stress; happy, smiling, and no tears. On the other side it's the same thoughts, but different time in the day, where she looks broken, and sad. Her makeup is running down her face, and her smile is no longer showing.
I can see how Niall looked at this piece, I could he really liked it by the way he analyzed each aspect of the work with his eyes. His mouth slightly parted and his eyes bright. He is my masterpiece, the art that I love to look on display.
He turns to me with a smile on his face. "It's beautiful isn't it?"
I nod. "It's deep."
"Yeah." He agrees. "It's so raw and emotional, and everyone can relate to this. I love it."
"I love you." It totally slipped and I didn't mind. He looks up at me and his face flushed pink, he looks cute. He plays with his hands, while he seems to be thinking about something. I don't expect him to say it back, and I can tell he feels a little guilty. I get it though, who can love someone like me.
"Let's move on shall we?" He ignores me and moves on to the next piece leaving me standing there alone, just to think about all of this.
I thought I was left alone, that is until Liam comes to stand besides me making no sound. He's analyzing the painting too, he nods and then turns towards me.
I knew this was coming sooner or later, I was just hoping later. Liam has his arms crossed and his shoe is tapping against the floor while he awaits my answer. I don't know what to tell him honestly, Niall and I haven't talk. We have been just kind of enjoying each other's company and kissing mainly.
What was there to talk about anyways?
"I don't know what to tell you honestly." I shrug. Liam coughs and shakes his head in disbelief.
"Bullshit, did you guys hookup? Are you guys dating? What is going on?" So demanding, and yet I thought I'd be hearing this from Louis. Louis was the one I was worried about, but then again; were still not talking.
"I told him I love him." Liam perks up, looking hopeful. I think he noticed my features soft, because he came closer towards me, almost to comfort me.
"And?" He ask. I shake my head. Liam face falls.
"We had sex last night," I confess. I let a breathe of a sigh and let my head hand low.
"Well, did you guys talk?" He asks. I shake my head, I think both of us are dreading this conversation, because I know I am.
"No Li, all we've been doing is kissing and cuddling." It will be bad habit to get in, and I know as soon as we get back tonight I'm heading straight to Niall's room and demand we talk. "I plan to talk to him tonight."
"I don't think it's going to happen tonight."
"Why not?"
"Louis plans to go clubbing tonight and he demands that we all go. You know how Louis is." I very well agree how Louis is, but what's running through my mind is how well Liam knows Louis. I hear things, but I don't hear things from Liam.
"So Li, spill the details." Liam looks confused for a second, until his eyes go wide and his cheeks tinge pink.
"Spill what?" His face grows more red and he looks like a tomato, a cute tomato.
"What's going on with you and Louis?" I wiggle my eyebrows, and his smile only grew more wider.
"We hang out," he says. He's trying to keep his face straight but he can't contain himself and just ends up letting himself smiley over Lou, it's cute to watch Liam get so shy and giddy over a boy.
"So did you do the nasty?" I pinch his cheeks and he tries to swat my hands away, didn't work out all that well.
"Yes.." He trails. My hands cover my mouth.
"Liam you dirty dog." I chuckle. Liam looks up at me and shakes his head.
"Okay, says the one who is fucking his step-brother." I swat at Liam, as he tries to block himself from me. I try to be serious with him, but we only end up laughing it off together. This is nice, to joke around with Liam like this. It was missed dearly, and it seems like forever since I've really talked to him.

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