3 | Niall

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Book shops

Harry is beyond annoying me to the point I'm trying to pull out my hair. He just gets me so worked up. I sit on my bed as I try to ignore him, but he's making it hard to, while he's on the phone with his bitchy girlfriend.
"Yes baby," he says into the phone. I looked up from my phone as he's running his hand through his hair.
"I promise, I love you," He smiles and I wondered why he smiles. She's the sluttiest girl I know, and Harry could do better. Not like he's good looking or anything but really Rylie Rae? The sluttiest girl in our graduating class. I'm surprised she even graduated with her being too stupid and plain dumb in general.
"Okay, goodnight baby," and he hangs up. I look towards my phone and I didn't move to quickly, because I could feel Harry's eyes burn into me.
"Niall," he whines. I look up towards him as he's smiling like a goofy dork.
"What," I snip.
"Someone's a little salty," he smirks. I roll my eyes, but he continues to talk, "Come with me to explore."
I start to laugh, like hell will I go anywhere with him. Especially when I want to explore Amsterdam with my best friend.
"Yeah okay." Sarcasm always comes in handy.
"What?" He asks, "What's so wrong with me asking?"
"Because your annoying little shit," I laugh dryly.
"C'mon Ni," he whines. I huff in giving up his fight, he just seems to get more annoying by the second.
"Fine, but were gonna get Lou and Liam."
"There already gone," he laughs.
"What? When?" I'm confused, and a little hurt Louis has left me out to dry. This better not be some kind of scheme Louis is trying to get me and Harry to like each other some day.
"Liam texted me like a half hour ago, saying him and Louis were gonna check out some shops," He explained. Well I had no other choice but to go with him.
"Fine Harry, let's go," I sit up defeated. He grins in victory and it annoys me in so many ways.


Harry and I walk the streets of the Amsterdam and I'm honestly in love. This city is beautiful, definitely one of my favourite places in the world by far. Harry's looking around at the scenery and I decide to stop and look into the window of a book shop.
Harry stops beside me and looked into the shop and he kindly offered to take a look inside and I don't deny, before I walk into the book store after him. It's vintage and I love the feeling it gives off.
"Wow," Harry says stunned. He goes over to selection and finds a book. I walk behind him and look at the book he picked up. The adventures of Tom Sawyer, what a classic.
Harry walked the book over to the counter and in seconds an old women came from the back with a smile spread across her face.
"What can I help you with?"
"Can I purchase this book, please?" Harry acted so sweet to the lady and it made me wonder why he had to make my life a living hell. He treats everyone else like a normal kind human being, what makes me so different?
"£3, please dear," she smiles sweetly and we make our exit, Harry and I walk out with the book in his hands. He skims over the pages as he smiles while reading lightly. He looks almost cute, as he smiled while reading.
"Stop starring Horan," Harry smiles as he looks up to me. I stop dead in my tracks and I shake my head.
"Please, don't flatter yourself," Only but I was starting at him and I'm just a little embarrassed I got caught.
"Hey lets get a ride? On that boat thingy," Harry giggles, as he points over towards the boat that travels through the river.
"Boat thingy?" I chuckle, "The river is called Amstel, and that boat thingy is called a fairy."
"Yeah- yeah- let's go," Harry grabs my hand and I'm shocked by the sudden touch of his skin on mine. My heart is pumping faster and I have no clue why. Harry makes me feel so anxious, and I can think of a hundred possibilities, but none are adding up.
Harry runs onto the dock with me following behind him, a man stands at the entrance, standing quite formal.
"Ride for two?" Harry asks the man. 
"£4 please, sir," Harry rummages through his pocked and hands the man £8. I'm surprised he paid for me. I hop into the boat behind Harry as we take a seat beside each other.
"Well this is gonna be fun," Harry grins. I roll my eyes as I look at the couples cuddling on the boat and suddenly I got a sudden chill. Why hadn't I brought my jacket? I wrap my arms around myself, as my teeth chattered.
"Cold?" I looked up to Harry, as he's smiling smug. I take a look for a second into his eyes and suddenly got insecure as I broke the eye contact and nod my head.
"Yeah actually," I chuckle.
"Here," Harry takes off his jacket and drapes it around my shoulders.
"Thanks," I dead pan. Harry doesn't carry the conversation anymore as he ignores me and stares at the city in front of us. If Harry keeps acting civil towards me then maybe, just maybe I'll be able to last this whole trip.
He hasn't been as bad as I thought he'd be quite frank.

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