24 | Niall

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My father has always taught me to tell him the truth, and that he'll always accept me for who I am. He always made sure me and my brother were properly taken care of. He fought for both of us, in a sticky custody battle.

He has loved me and supported me through it all, so why can't I bring myself to tell him about me and Harry? I don't even know what Harry and I are to begin with.

Sure we're fucking, and were acting all couple-y. He has told me he loves me, and he has finally broken up with his cringe worthy girlfriend. We have told Anne, and it seems the only person who gets to even decide if this relationship can even stay, is the one standing in our way.

My father, a wealthily business and caring man who can tare this all away. I'm the selfish one in this all though, and maybe even naïve in a way.

I can call myself an optimistic, to believe that Harry and I can make this work. I can feel it in my bones, and I know my heart is going to give him my all very soon.

Harry has decided that he wants us to just check out Paris. He keeps exclaiming how he wants to experience this all with me, from the time we landed on Saturday evening to when we leave next Saturday. He keeps making sure, I know I'm loved, and that he's always going to be here. Even after his mum found out, he's been nothing but lovable to me.

I know that with Anne accepting us it has sure put a smile on his face and he's just been so happy. I love seeing him happy, and it just brightens my day when I get to see his smile.

It's probably my favourite thing about Harry really, his smile. Even though it's crooked, but it's perfect in every way possible. I feel myself so lucky to even have him, honestly. He could have chosen someone who is much more worthy and better of his love. For some reason he has chosen me, a dandelion in a field of roses.

Atleast that's what I think of myself. Harry claims I'm the one who saved his heart. Honesty I think he's delusional, but really I think so much of him as well. He has helped me become so much better. I feel myself no longer being stressed or angry, before I felt as if I was always in a bad mood. Then again, it was Harry who was making me feel like that.

I don't swear as much as I used too, and I'm just really happy with life at the moment. It's just for some odd reason, there is still that off feeling in my gut. I don't know what it is, but it's there and I'm scared. I'm scared that it's going to be that wake up call that's going to end all this rainbow and sunshine.

I turn my head towards Harry, he's on the phone concentrating what the other person is saying on the line. I love to watch him, in anything he's doing. His eyebrows furrowed, and his hands are playing with his bottom lip. I smile, just watching how cute he looks.

I walk up behind him and snake my hands around his waist. His back falls back into me, while my head rests on his shoulder. We rock back and fourth, before he answers the person back.

"Of course, Thanks." Harry hangs up the phone, and I'm curious as to who it is. Harry turns to face me his chest falling into my body, letting our bodies fall to the bed. 

Harry's hovering over me, while we take in each other's presence. Just being here with one another, and I kind of love this.

"Who was that?" I ask. Harry holds himself up higher, looking up at me.

"No one." His answer makes my heart speed up faster, and I feel like he's lying. I know he just doesn't want me to know who he was talking to. I feel like after all our relationship building into what it is, this just adds some stabs into me.

I don't know if I want to believe him of not, because he has lied to me in the past. Well it was when we hated each other, but it's just sketching me out right now. I know I can trust Harry, but there is that feeling again that keeps coming up. I don't want to believe it, but I feel it coming soon.


Harry forced me out of the hotel room, after I made it specifically clear I'm feeling no good. I feel like I'm going to get sick, and it's all from this uneasy feeling.

I know I shouldn't let it bother me, but it is and its even stopping me from doing stuff I want to with him.

Really, I'm thinking maybe I should just push it all aside. So I can enjoy myself, because Harry is really trying for me and it's so hard to give into him. He has dragged me out to the Louvre, and I know he's most excited to see the Mona Lisa then he is to see me.

He's so cute when he gets excited about art, it's quite fascinating to watch. I love to watch him talk about it, because he gets so darn worked up and he just sounds so passionate. He even gets embarrassed when he talks about it for too long, without even him noticing how long he's been talking about it. Little does he know, I absolutely love hearing him talk about the things he loves.

He has me dragged in there by his hand and his crazy fast feet. His legs are so long, that he should think about taking up track and field, yet I know he does actually go running.


Harry was fascinated by the whole place, his world brightened up so much more when walking through the historical museum. He saw a lot of Van Gogh, Picasso, Michelangelo, and his favourite Leonardo da Vinci. He also couldn't stop talking about Raphael, and Donatello, explaining how all his favourite artist are the ninja turtles.

It was cute, and I know in my heart that I do love him. I think I've been in love with him this whole time, I just wasn't letting myself believe so. If I tell Harry, this symbolizing everything. It means I have given him everything, and I have totally let him knock down my walls. It means I have let him in, and I now know he'll never hurt me.

Then there is that pit in my stomach, that I'm still feeling. It feels so strong, but this feeling I feel for Harry is just so much stronger. I feel like were inseparable. Like nothing can break us down, not even in our deepest and lowest moments. We can make it through everything, and god dammit I love Harry Styles.


AN: short! But Niall finally admitted to his feelings and love for Harry, yay!

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