Chapter 14- He Thinks I'm Awesome- PrussiaXReader

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You sigh, staring up at the sky. You smile and feel the wind blow your hair back as the sun rose up into the vast sky. The wind felt like velvet as it rushed passed your arms, softly stroking your skin as if it were two gentle fingers. You found it hard to keep your eyes opened. You were very comfortable in the warmth of the sun, they way it baked your skin to perfection.

"If only I had someone to share today with." You whispered, looking down at the grass. The serenity and tranquility was soon interrupted by footsteps brushing up the blades of grass.

"Hey there, _____!" A voice screeched. You turned to see Gilbert standing there, looking at you with the same grin that you loved on his face. You were very excited to see him, you just weren't going to show it. You didn't believe he felt the same for you.

"Hey Gilbert." You sigh, turning back around.

"Are you lonely?" He asked.

"Yeah." You replied.

"That must suck really badly. Well no matter, I happen to be awesome at everything! Cheering you up should be a piece of cake!" He smirked, sitting beside you in the grass.

"You can try. This is one battle you won't be able to win, Gil." You state, looking out at the trees in front of you.

"Ah, but I will, _____." He retorted. You shook your head and layed back, placing your hands underneath your head as you stared up at the sky. Gilbert did the same, although his glare was fixed on you.

"Stop staring at me!" You squeaked. He shrugged and looked up at the sky, just as you did. "Gilly, I don't even see why you're here." He smirks and wraps his arm around your should. "Uh, what are you doing?"

"Comforting. Its not my forte, but I'll pass inspection." He hissed slyly, a slight snicker in his voice. His voice echoed throughout your mind, as if it lightly whispered, 'Hello, come closer. I'll give you all you'll ever want.'  It urged you to be closer to him, and you denied every request it made. That is, until the message wasn't hidden.

"______? W-What would you say if someone you had known for a v-very l-long time asked you if-f they l-loved you." He asked, stammering a little bit.

"Well, depends on the person." You answer, trying to keep your feelings intacked.

"W-What if that p-person was m-me?" He asked again.

Your eyes bulged as you sighed deeply and gathered up every last bit of courage you could have (Which wasn't exactly alot of courage.) and began to vocalize your feelings into words.

"I-I would b-be v-very happy, because I l-love you, Gilbert. Always have, most likely always will... I know you probably feel nothing for me, but I think you needed to know." You sigh, meaning every last word that flew from your mouth and into his ears.

He smiled and scooted you over closer to him with his giant and strong arm. "I never thought I would ever here you say that. This proves how awesome I am! I'm in love with an awesome girl!"

You blush like crazy and smile. "I'm not awesome. As you always say, you are awesome." He smiles and pecks your cheek.

"I know." He snickers. "But an awesome guy has to have an awesome woman, right?" You smile and nod.

"I guess so. Maybe you'll find her sometime soon, Gilly." You state, smiling happily.

"Ah~, but I already have." He retorts, kissing the top of your head quickly. You smile and lay your head down on his chest. He strokes your head and smiles happily. He hums a quiet song in your ear. It was so melodic and so beautiful, it made sleepier with every note hummed.

It was so sweet and amiable, like your own personal lullaby. It lulled your eyes closed as if someone were pulling down on them. You tried your hardest to keep them wide open, but the harder you tried, the harder it became to keep them open.

"Getting tired, sleepy head?" He asked you cockily. You nodded. He chuckled and kissed the top of your forhead again. "Get some rest then. I'll make sure nothing harms you, my sweet princess." You smile and snuggle him as you close your eyes and finally keep them closed as his song drifts you into your own personal dream world.

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