Chapter 3- Serenity- JapanXReader

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You are walking down the road. You've grown tired of excitement and a certain someone's 'Go go go!' attitude towards the world. You wanted to relax a little bit; and what better way to relax is there other than visiting your good friend Honda, and this wasn't just another reason to go see him.

You liked Honda, a lot in fact. You didn't think he liked you, but you wanted to see him as much as possible. You new it was kind of stalkerish, but like you cared. As long as you got to see him, you were happy; but just not as happy as you would be if he liked you back.

You walk up to his house and ring the doorbell. You wait a moment and within a few seconds Honda is up at the door.

"Konichiwa." He says bluntly. "Prease come in." He steps aside. You nod and hop into the house. You take off your shoes and look around.

"Nice place, Honda!" You say. "It looks really serene and quiet."

"Normarry." He sighs.

"What to do you mean, 'normally'?" You ask, confused.

"Well, Alfred is coming by rater, and you know how rude and roud he is..." You nod and smile.

"Well that stinks." You say. "I came hear to get away from him, and here you are telling me he will be over later! Great."

"So that's what you wanted. Well, relaxation is good for the heart, so why don't you relax until he gets here?'' He offers.

"May I? Oh thank you, Honda! Thats kind of you." You reply.

"No probrem." He bends over, handing you a towel. "Why don't you go relax in the hot springs in the back?"

"That sounds amazing!" You skip on to the back and hop into the hot springs.


After a while, you hopped out and walked inside. You looked at Honda, who was talking to Alfred. You hid, not wanting him to see you.

"No, Alfred. I don't know where she is!" He said.

"But, Honda, bro! Your my best homie! You must know where she is!" Alfred replied.

"I thought you were supposed to be the hero, no? Can't heroes find the victims on there own?" He retorts.

"Well, yeah! But haven't you read any of our comic books? Every hero needs a sidekick!" Alfred answers.

"Well, unfortunatly Alfred, I'm not good enough to be a side-kick. Why don't you go ask Ludwig or Arthur or someone other than me?"

"Okay dude! If your lame enough to not want to work with a hero, then okay! Bye bro!" alfred ran out the door, and Honda closed it quickly.

"Phew..." Honda whispers. You come out from around the corner and smile. "Oh, ______. Your out. Enjoy it?" He speaks up, noticing you.

"Yeah. I'm sorry about Alfred. Who was he looking for?" You ask.

"You." he replied bluntly.

"Why?" You question.

"He really likes you. He worries about you a lot these days." He answers, a hint of despair in his voice.

You look up at him. "What's wrong? You don't sound happy." You point out.

"I'm fine... I'm just a bit tired." he speaks. You blink in disbelief.

"No, you're not fine. Tell me what's wrong. I know you too well for you to play that silly trick on me!" You retort.

He sighs and looks into your (e/c) eyes. His dark brown, almost black eyes were blank and showed no emotion. He does a fine job of surpressing his feelings, you think to yourself.

"______, do you believe in love at first sight?" He asks. You nod.

"Oh, yes." You turn around and hold your heart. "You don't know how much I believe in it." You whisper, looking down at the floor. You pull yourself together and turn back to face him. "Sorry: continue."

He nods. "Well, I'm grad you think so... Its just, that, I don't know who you're talking about; But I do know this: I fell in love with you the very first time I saw you. Your striking (e/c) eyes hit me like a meteor. Your flowing, long, (h/c) hair flowed like silkin thread, and it sparkled in the beauttifur light... And I wanted to hold you close." As the words fell from his mouth, a smile appeared on your face. It grew larger and wider, until you grabbed your hand. You smiled at him, shocked that he actually touched you.

"Are you okay, Honda?" You ask. "You don't usually touch people. I thought it wasn't part of your standards."

"Its not, but I've known you for a while. Your not a stranger anymore. Your a friend... and we could be more, if you only wanted to." He whispered, smiling a small smile.

You turned and hugged him. "We can, Honda. We can be whatever you want us to be..." You whisper. He finnaly puts his hands on your back and rubs. You smile and look at the door, thinking that he would fly away from you if you ever let him go.

"Don't leave me..." You whispered kindly.

"I won't, _____.'' He whispered back. "Now, can you let go? I'm not really used to this." You giggled and let go. You smiled and rubbed the back of your neck and looked out the door.

"Well, I best be going... I'll come by tomorrow, mk?" You say, picking up your shoes and sliding them on your feet on the door matt.

"Okay then... See you then, _____. Bye..." He answered, waving to you as you walked out the door. You ran home quickly, hapy as could be.

When you arrived home, you smiled and hopped into your bed. You turned out the lights and yelled to your mother.

"Goodnight, mom!" You yelled.

"Goodnight? Its only 8:30! Oh, and your friend Alfred came by earlier." She answered.

"I know about that! I was at Honda's! And I just want to get a new start on tommorrow, thats all!" You scream.

"Okay then! Goodnight!" She yells. You turn over on your side and smile. You lay your head down on your pillow and drift away into a long sleep.

APH- CharacterXReader Stories.Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora