Chapter 4- As Lovely as Scattered Rose Petals- FranceXReader

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You sniff the roses in your garden. You look at the beautiful colour and smile. You grab your scissors and gloves and snip one flower off. You snip off the thorns and take off your gloves. You pull off the petals, one by precious one, and smile. An idea hits your mind.

You put your gloves back on and cut off all of the roses and their thorns. You take off your gloves and run to get a bag. You find one and run back. You pull off every single petal and put them into the bag. When you had finished, you wrote a note on a peice of paper. It read:

                Dear Francis,

      Follow the petals. They will lead you to a place where I will be. I will be waiting for you there, my sweet prince.

                      Swetest regards,


You picked up your bag and skipped to Francis's house. When you arrived in front of his driveway, you scattered the rose petals all to his porch. You taped the note onto the screen of the door. You rang the doorbell and made a run for it. He caught a glimsp of you running, but he couldn't make out your face. He picked up the note and smiled. He walked out of his house and followed the rose petals all the way to where you would be.

You scattered rose petals on the road all the way to the beach. You scattered the rest around you and sat in the sand. You waited for his face to appear over the hills. You waited until sunfall. When dusk came, you scorned that you ever thought he would show; and just as you had given up on his coming, you see his face.

He smiled, seeing it was you. You waved and smiled back at him. He walked te same pace with the slight swagger he always walked with. He had his hands in his pockets and a coat thrown over his shoulder.

"Ah, I suspected it was you, ______." He states, coming closer to you.

"You should have. Who else would it be? Uh, wait, don't answer that." You reply, realizing your words. He chuckled slightly and sat beside you.

"So sweet, you are, my dear." he whispered, taking your hand, rubbing it with his thumb. You scooched over closer to him and smiled. You looked out at the ocean, which seemed black in the night. He pulled you closer to his heart and swayed side to side slowly.

"So, why did you want me come, ma cheri?" He asked kindly.

"What's wrong with wanting to see you?" You retorted.

"Well played; but that still doesn't explain why you had to go through all the trouble of gethering the lovely rose petals." He spoke.

You shrugged and sighed. He looked down at you with a confused look on his face. "I don't know, actually. I know that all we've ever been is friends, but it doesn't explain why I'm feeling changes between us." He smiles and kisses the top of your head. You notice, but don't really care. You think about it for a moment.

Why did he do that to me? You thought. Friends don't kiss each other, even if its the cheek or the hand or the top of your head! This is so strange, and I'm so confused!

"I don't understand either. I've been having the same thoughts. I've been recaping on the past years. I try and think things through. And maybe thats the problem. Maybe its not our minds playing tricks on us. Maybe its out hearts trying to tell us what they want." He answers calmly.

"What are you trying to say?" You question. He lifts your head up gentlely and smiles at you.

"Maybe we've both tried to hide the fact that we don't want to be just friends. Maybe, just maybe, what we've both always wanted is to be closer than just talking. Maybe we want to do more than shake hands and hug. Maybe we want something more... Yes, that's it." He whispers. Your nose almost touched his. You blushed quite a bit and were frozen looking into his blue eyes. You couldn't look away, no matter how much you tried; and then you realized something.

I think he's right, You think. I feel lifted in this position I'm in. I feel safe like this. it's now or never. I have to make a move.

You close your eyes and whisper. "Forgive me for what I'm about to do, Francis." You breathed deeply.

"What would that be, ______?" He whispers. You open your eyes and stare into his for a moment.

"This." You say, jumping into his arms and kissing his lips. You felt tingles flush in the midst of it. You pull away and cover your mouth. You look away from him, unable to find the right words for the experience  you just went through.

"Why do you turn your back to me? Don't be ashamed of anything you do. What's done is done. Sometimes you can't restrain yourself, and I wish you would have done that much sooner. It was amazing, and I don't have to forive you because you never did anything wrong." He crows into your ear, sending shivers down your spine. You lean your head back down on his chest and listen to his soft heartbeat.

"I...I love you, Francis." You implore. He smiles and kisses the top of your head.

"I love you too, sweet rose." He replies, holding you tighter.

And when the moon set, both of you were still awake. He walked you home and kissed you goodbye as he walked home. You walked into the house and slid down the door. You buried your face into the palms of your hands. You smiled and hugged yourself, trying to mimic his hold. You smiled and closed your eyes. You smile and whisper to yourself.

"I finally got what I've always wanted..."

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