Chapter 24- Dear Agony- RussiaXReader #2

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"Stay still, _____!" Ivan whispered, his violet eyes turning darker and darker by the minute. His smile turned jagged, showing his desire for evil. But the pain he was putting you through was unbearable.

 "Ivan! Stop!" I yelled.

"Why? Don't you like the pain, da~?"  He mumbled.

"N-No!" I hissed, trying to crawl away from him without slicing your neck open with the knife he had against it. 

"But, _____! You will look beautiful..." He whispered, drawing the knife away and sliding it away. He sat up and patted the spot next to him. I crawled back to his side, resting my head on his shoulder. "Blood is beautiful... Your blood is beautiful."He whispered.

I looked down at my wrists and frowned. They were all so scarred and ugly... I guess I deserved it, though. I did it all to myself. I deserved the ugly scars. I deserved the beatings I got from the school bullies. I deserved the harsh words. 

I deserved it all.

"I'm not beautiful." I retoted. "I'm ugly. I have nothing. You should shut your mouth next time instead of lying to me about me being 'beautiful.' Its a lie. Liars tell lies. I don't like liars."

His eyes were sypathetic, for once. 

"Do not let anyone tell you that you're not beautiful. am the judge of that now." He stated, slamming his fist on the ground. He rose the other hand up and gently placed it on your knee. Showing that even in his anger, he had a gentle side.

The thing I loved most about Ivan...

"I-Ivan, calm down..." I whispered, rubbing his knee softly. His icy eyes stared down at it. He placed his gloved hand over mine.

It was cold and gave me goosebumps.

"Is something wrong?" He murmured.

"Your glove... Its cold..." I muttered.

"Oh. Sorry, _____." He answered, sliding the glove off and laying his hand back over yours.

It was warm. It felt like a blanket had wrapped around me, even though it only touched my hand. I smiled and rest my head on his shoulder, the top of it against his scarved neck.

He sensed that I enjoyed the feel of his bare skin on mine, and wrapped his big arms around me.


"Ivan?" I asked.

"What, ______?" He whispered.

I smiled, pulling out a small golden heart locket I had in my pocket.  It had my picture and his in it, side by side. I shoved it into his hand and smiled.

"I give you my heart to protect..." I murmured.

He smiled, putting the locket in one of his pockets. "Thank you. Close your eyes..." He muttered. I nodded, doing as I was told. "Open your hand..." He ordered again. I did that and breathed heavily. 

I then felt something soft, cold, and quite squishy in my hand. 

"What is it?" Iasked.

Then it moved. 

"Eeek!!" I squeaked, keeping it in my hand.

"Calm down and open your eyes..." He stated.

I nodded, opening my (e/c) eyes slowly. They bulged as I caught sight of what it was.

It was his heart.

His actual heart!

"Ivan?!" I squeaked. "Why am I holding your heart?!"

"I gave it to you." He answered cheerily.

I tried to look happy, and not grossed out (even though I definatly was.)

"Th-thanks..." I muttered, sticking the ooey-gooey heart into my pocket.

Now mine to keep...

Now mine to hold...

Now mine to cherish...


That night, after Ivan had taken me home, I put his heart into a box. I grabbed a small peice of paper and began to write...

'Dear agony...'

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