Chapter 5- A Wish Upon A Star- ChinaXReader

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You breath heavily and begin to walk home. The wind blows your (h/c) hair behind your shoulders. You look out at the black sky. A single star shimmers beside the big, full moon. You stare at it for a moment or two, then sigh and remember what you used to do as a child.

"Star light, star bright," You whisper to yourself. "The first star I see tonight. I wish I may, I wish I might, make a wish upon you tonight." You close your eyes and whisper the biggest wish you could ever want. "I wish I had someone to love. I wish I had someone to protect me from everything there is." You open your eyes and see the star shimmer a bit brighter.

You knew it was useless to cast your wishes into the hands of a star. You only did so because you wanted to feel like a kid again. You smiled and began to walk home.

One after one, the stars peeked out of the darkness and began to shine. The moon illuminated you with a beautiful luminescence. You could hear the wind ruffle the tree's leaves as you walked home. All was peaceful and serene. You looked onward, unaware of what was about to happen.

You turn a corner leading straight into the woods. You began to hear small giggles and chuckles. You stop dead in your tracks, looking around, hoping you would see the person making all of the noise.

"Who's there?" You ask, yelling into the night. Silence. "Come out! I know you're there!"

Suddenly, a big dark shadow hopped out of the bushes. "Say, darling. Its not safe to come around here. Some one like us might get ya!" It sneered. Two more shadows hopped out of the trees and surround you.

"Get back!" You scream, walking backwards. You fall over rocks and look at the shadows closing in on you. "Help!" You scream, putting your arms in front of your face. Then, you hear a loud 'clonk'. You oopen your eyes to see a stranger with a large wok and ladle, slamming them into the shadows. A few yowls of pain were sent into the air, sending the shadows back into the forest. You stand up, looking at the stranger.

He turns to you and waves. You wave back. He turns away and begins to walk away. "Wait, mister!" You yell after him. He doesn't seem to hear you and keeps walking. You run up in front of him and look at him. His chocolate brown eyes glistened in the moonlit night with a beautiful sparkle. You looked at him for a moment longer then smiled.

"Sorry about that, sir. Thank you for saving me back there. If you hadn't come along, I don't think I would be alive!" You squeak.

He nods. "No problem, aru. I couldn't just let them get you, now, could I?"

"I guess no decent person would just sit back and watch from the sidelines." You shrug and smile. You hold out your hand. "I'm _______. What's your name?"

He looks at your hand for a moment then bows. "Im Yao. Pleasure to meet you."

You nod. "Well, thanks again. I've got a long way to go, and I want to get there before tomorrow's dusk. Nice meeting you!" You wave and walk away. You hear the dirt crunch under feet.

"Wait!" You hear him yell. You stop and turn back. "Do you think I could help you get home? I don't want you getting yourself into trouble."

You smile and nod. "Thats fine, if you really want to." You look back to the road in front of you. You walk down the road wuth Yao by your side.

Around sunrise, you were barely lugging yourself down the road. You yawned and Yao turned to you.

"Tired, aru?" He asked kindly. You nodded. "Can I help?"

"I don't see how you can." You reply, trying to not sound rude.

"I have an idea." He answers. He picks you up into his arms and smiles. You looks at him, confused and a little creeped out.

"Thanks?" You say. He looks ahead and begins to run. "Slow down!" You yell, afrad of hm dropping you. You grab his shirt and bury your face into it, not wanting to look. He slows down and begins to walk again.

"Aru? You have to look to tell me where to go." He states kindly.

"Don't go that fast!" You squeak.

"Okay. I'm sorry for scaring you." He whispers. You look back up at him.

"Okay... Take a left." You answer, looking out at the roads. Soon, you arrived at your destination, at dusk.

"Thanks for escorting me here, Yao." You state, kindly. He puts you down gentlely and smiles.

"Anytime, aru." He answers, smiling.

"You can stay here tonight. You have a long way back, and after what you've done for me today, its the least I could do." You implore.

"Thank you. I need a rest, but for the coming days, its going to be kind of hard to sleep."

"How so?"

"I will be thinking of you." He smiles, look down at his fingers. You smile, blushing a little bit.

"That's sweet, Yao. After today, I think I'll be thinking of you to."

"You will?" He asks excitedly. You give him a confused look and nod.

"Of course."

"Um, _____? Can you close your eyes for me? Just so I could do something?"

"Do what?"

"You'll find out. Just, close your eyes."

You sigh and nod, closing your eyes. You feel to lips connect with yours. You knew they were his, a pure stranger you had only met the day earlier; and for some reason, you didn;t pull away. You actually kiss him back, enjoying every last minute of it. He pulled away and looked at you uneasily.

"W-What was that for, Yao?" You ask quietly.

"I couldn't help myself." He answers. "I'm sorry."

"Don't be." You whisper, realizing something. "I got my wish."

"What wish?" He questioned.

"Before I met you, I wished upon the first star. Just like a little girl would do. I don't know why I did, but I did. I wished for someone to love. I wished for someone to protect me from har,. About an hour later, you showed up to my aid. You carried me home like someone in a fairytale would. I got my wish, Yao! You're my wish!"

He smiles happily and picks you up again, spinning you around. "So you didn't mind?"

"Not at all!" You reply happily. You kiss his cheek and smile. "I'm glad you did that, or I would've let you slip through my fingers like sand... I couldn't let that happen." He smiles and puts you down.

"Then I regret nothing!" He states, triumphantly. You smile and laugh. You lead him to your vcouch and begin to talk more with him.

The two of you were so alike. It was unbelieveable! He cooked you dinner that night and tucked you into bed. You buried your head into your pillow and smiled, trying to go to sleep, wantong to get a fresh start on tomorrow as soon as you could.

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