Chapter 10- Animal Lover- GreeceXReader

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You walk down the road, heading towards your 'good friend', Ivan's, house. You really had noo other choice, unless you wanted to be tortured in your sleep by the horrors that is Ivan. Just as you turn the corner, you see a skinny cat laying on the ground. It looked sick and injured.

Its gray fur was matted and torn in some places. Its yellow eyes were dark and full of sorrow. You kneeled down and petted it, pulling out a treat. You handed it to the poor thing, and smiled. He licked your hand and layed back down.

I wonder what I can do to help this poor little fellow, You thought to yourself. You sat there, thinking of ideas, in which, none of them would have done any good. Then it hit you.

You picked up the cat and cuddled it gently in your arms. It purred, with very little strength. You turned back, heading towards Heracles's house.

When you arrived, Heracles was petting one of his many cats. He looked tired, as usual.

"Hey there, _______." He sighed with exhaustion. "Who's that poor thing you've got in your arms there?"

You lifted up the cat and handed it to him. "I know how much you like cats, and he was laying out in the sun, basically waiting to die from dehydration. I couldn't think of anyone better to nurse him back to health than you, Heracles. I know how much you love these little creatures, and I heard you talking to Honda about how you love to save their lives."

He smiled. "Thank you. I'm always up to help a kitty in need. Please, come in. I'll need help with this fellow." He turned away, walking back into his house. You smiled and followed, skipping happily. You walked into a room full of veteranairy supplies and kitty chow. He walked over to the table, placing the cat down gently. He stroked its fur gently, and looked up at you.

"Why don't you go open that cabinet over there? Hand me the box  that says 'Shots and Vaccines'." He ordered. You nodded, going to retrieve the box for him. You handed it to him and stared down at the cat. "Now, hold him down. He may not look like he has a lot of strength at the moment, but, one the needle peirces his skin, he will fidgit like crazy."

You nod, placing your hands firmly onto the cat. Heracles put one hand on the cats body, while grasping the vaccine in his other. His peirced the cats skin with the needle, being careful not to hurt the cat as much as possible. The cat let out a yowl of pain, and struggled to break free.

"Shh, shh, shh." Heracles whispered, petting the cat softly. "Its almost over." The cat breathed heavily for a moment, then calmed down and layed down. Heracles pulled the needle out of the cats skin and looked up at you.

"Good job." He stated. "You did better than I expected from you." You nod, rubbing your neck. "Now, go get the box that says, 'Testers'." You nod again, rushing over to get the box.

"I don't see it!" You squeak. He sighs, putting the cat into a cage. He walked over, putting his hand on your shoulder and taking your hand from behind.

"Right there." He crowed, pointing to the box with your hand. You feel your hand start to get clammy. He looks at you with a blank expression on his face. You move your hand away slowly. You reach for the box, still looking into his deep eyes. You hand it to him, and turn away, blushing.

"N-now lets get back to w-work." You stammer. He nods, amiling and walking back over to the cat. He picked it up, placing it back onto the the table. He gathered a few tests to check for certain deadly diseases or parasites.

"Hand me the biggest needle and holder." He prders. you nod, handing the supplies to him. "Now hold him down again." You do as you were told and hold the sickly cat down. He jabs the needle into the cat's pelt. It yowls again, struggleing to get free. Heracles quickly picks draw blood for the tests and releases the cat.

"Good. Go get the box that says, 'Fluids and Food'." he stated. You turn to get the box and hand it to him. "No, I have to run these tests. You, take the package that and fill it into the feeder." You nod, doing as you were told. "Now, stick it into the cats mouth and push it down. It will give hi some well-needed nutrition." You nod, doing so. The cat tries to spit the liquid out, but can't and resolves to swallowing it.

"Good kitty..." You whisper, stroking the cat.

Heracles walks back with papers in his hands. "Good news, he only has a few tapeworms, which can be taken care of by a simple trip to the vet. No big problems like malaria or tick fever." He shrugged, smiling. He put the cat into a cage and leaned up against the table. "I don't know about you but I feel like a nice nap now."

You smiled, shaking your head. "Same as allways, eh, Heracles?" He nods and smiles. "So, what are you going to name your new kitty?"

"Well, I was thinking of naming her ______. In honor of you. I mean, you were the one to take her to me, and you helped her a little bit. So, its only fitting." He answers

"How sweet." You state, blushing a little bit. You lean up on the table next to him and smile. "Today was nice."

He nodded, putting his arm around you. He patted your shoulder, then rubbed it. "We make quite a team, don't you think?" You nod smiling. "Glad you think so."

"You did most of the work." You point out.

"Yes, but, I enjoyed working with you too. I worked a bit harder than I would have because I didnt want to loose that cat in front of you. Thats something I don't ever want you to see."

"I will see it, though. I will also expeirence it."

"Yes, and not for a while. While your young and beautiful, I won't let anything hurt you, even if I am sleeping."

You blush and hug him. "Thanks, but you can't always be there."

He kissed the top of your forhead. "No matter where you are, I will be with you in spirit and in heart. And when your right by my side, I will spend every minute of it making you happy; because you deserve it."

You nod, looking at your feet. "I don't deserve happiness. My happiness is you. I don't deserve you."

He shook his head. "You deserve more than what I could ever give you, but, I will do all that I can in my power to make you the happiest woman alive."

You kiss his cheek lightly and snuggled him tight. "As long as I'm with you, I already am..."

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