Hinata Shōyōu - Part 2

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Request from: Dragonheart89 

2nd part to ObviousHope you enjoy it!


"(F/N)-chan? Are you okay? I've noticed that you haven't been acting the same lately.." Yachi said standing next to your desk during lunch. She twiddled her thumbs around and looked at you worried.

"Thanks for worrying Yachi, but I can't talk to you right now." You said with a sad smile as you began packing your notebooks in your schoolbag. You didn't hate Yachi, you couldn't hate Yachi, even if you were upset about her and Hinata.

"Y-you can talk to me about it though! I won't tell anybody, not even Hinata." Yachi suggested as she rose her voice a tiny bit more. You scrunched your eyebrows and covered your face in your hands.

"Please, I don't want to talk to anyone right now.." Yachi looked at you sadly and quietly took her leave away from you as you thought about yourself for a moment with shaky breaths. A few minutes later, you heard footsteps approaching you and felt a pat on your shoulder.

Quickly turning around, you placed your hands on your desk frustrated. "Yachi, please leave me alone right now." To your dismay it wasn't Yachi but Kageyama. "K-Kageyama-kun?"

"Sorry! I didn't mean to scare you." He quickly replied stepping back a bit. You shook your head and look at him with a small sad smile. "Well, what did you come all this way for?"

"I-It didn't seem like you ate anything yet so I bought this for you." Kageyama held out a small loaf of bread from the school's bakery and some strawberry milk (or another flavor) and placed them on your desk. "I mean, after what happened a week ago, I've kinda noticed you've gotten thinner."

Your eyes saddened but you placed the straw in the small slot and drank it. "Thank you Kageyama-kun." You drank it slowly and thoughts ran around in your head, you decided to get some answers. "Do you like me Kageyama-kun?"

"W-What?! Why are you asking me that?" He asked with a blush. Smiling, you shrugged your shoulders. "I mean, you bought me all this. I was just curious."

Kageyama pouted and sighed. "I like you as a friend and you know that, but I came to talk to you about Hinata." You stopped drinking your milk and your gaze focused on the empty chair in front of you.

"What about him?"

"He hasn't been the same. The whole team is freaking out because with him like this, we can't do anything except worry. We can't even do our quick. You need to do something about it." Kageyama stated as you turned around in your chair roughly.

"This isn't even my problem! This isn't even my fault, it's his. He has to fix this, why should I fix something I didn't even do..." You said harshly as you gripped onto your milk carton roughly. Kageyama didn't say anything because he knew it was true.

"Kageyama-kun, there isn't anything I can do for you guys..there isn't." Kageyama nodded softly and out of nowhere, the strawberry milk squirted onto your school vest from you squeezing the carton too hard. "You should get to class, I'm going to go clean this. Sorry Kageyama-kun."

"It's okay, I'll see you later then." He replied as the both of you went in different directions in the school hallway.

Walking down the hallway, you stopped at the girls bathroom and used some warm water to get the stick and color off of your vest. Fortunately it worked great. Sighing contently, you walked out of the bathroom and turned the corner only running into someone.

"Sorry." You replied before you made eye contact with them. "(F/N)-chan.." Hearing the familiar voice, you noticed that it was Hinata who you've bumped into. Pursing your lips, you look down at the ground.

"I-I want to talk to you!" He exclaimed making your eyes widened from the sudden statement. "What do you want to talk about?" You ask crossing your arms. Luckily there was nobody around.

"I want to talk about us, and about what happened." You nod allowing him to continue. "I'm sorry about what happened. I agreed to go out with Yachi because I wasn't sure if you liked me or not. I convinced myself you had somebody else in mind so I agreed to give up."

"That's a lie." You responded, harsher than you attended. "You might think that, but we already broke up."

Your eyebrows arched sadly as you looked at Hinata. "Why?"

"Because, I just don't feel the same way. I can't feel the same way, because I don't like Yachi in that way." Hinata covered his face in his hands and you could hear his shaky breath. "I only like you and I still like you."

"Hinata...you can't do that to Yachi." You respond placing your hand on his arm.

"No, it's okay (F/N), I broke up with him." Yachi said as she stepped away from the corner. "I didn't mean to eavesdrop but I was heading to the bathroom and I overheard my name.." She said with a small smile.

"He was miserable everyday without you (F/N). I didn't want to see him so miserable, I didn't want to keep him like that. He loves you and you love him. It works out doesn't it?" She smiled at the two of you.

"No, Yachi-" You started but got cut off. "Don't feel bad, I want you two together anyways." She said cheerfully. "Well, i'm going to class. See the two of you at practice!" Yachi hummed as she jogged down the hall.

It was silent between you and Hinata, the tension growing more and more. "I don't know what to say.."

"I'll see you at practice." Hinata stated looking at you. "And I can walk you home!" He exclaimed as your cheeks heated up with blush. You had to admit, you were happy.

"O-okay then." You smiled at him. "I'm sorry for acting so terribly to you and Yachi." Hinata shook his head and smiled, holding your hand. "It's okay, we understand. L-let me walk you to class!"

You laughed at him and started off to the classes. "You don't have to shout Hinata." His lips twitched into a smile. "I'm just nervous around you."

"You're adorable."

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