Yaku Morisuke X Sick!Reader

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Request from xXNekoniXx
Thanks for requesting! Mmmm.I don't know if it's that good but I hope it's good enough. Feel free to request another story as well! Enjoy!!~

"Your so motherly like!" You joked to your boyfriend Yaku. He was cheering up the team and he was scolding them for acting foolish. He walked towards you and pinched your cheeks with his hands.

"I am not motherly (F/N). I just tend to care unlike somebody I know." Yaku said to you as he pinched your cheeks hard then let them go.

"I do care! Just not a lot.." You said as you rubbed your cheeks. Then you started coughing and the team got a little worried for you.

"(F/N), are you okay?" Kenma asked you.

"Yeah, I'm fine. I just need some water, I'll be back." You walked over to the water fountain and drank some what're which calmed down your coughing a bit. You walked over to the benches and sat down and you leaned on your elbows and put your hands on your forehead.

"Hey (F/N), are you okay?" Yaku asked you.

"Mori I'm fine. Just a little warm that's all. I'll be better tomorrow" you told your boyfriend. "I'm going to head home now, I'll see you tomorrow." You stood up and kissed his forehead, said goodbye to the boys and left to go home.

~The Next Day~
The boys had practice early in the morning and you were supposed to go watch but you didn't show up yet. That got your boyfriend worried.

"Yaku, wasn't your girlfriend supposed to be here?" Kuroo asked him.

"Yeah, she is. I wonder what's taking her so long." Yaku replied.

"She did look a little sick yesterday." Kenna said quietly.

"Your right, she's probably sick at home! I'm going to go check on her!" And with that, Yaku left to go find you.

You heard knocks on your door and you slowly and tiredly got up to get the door. Turns out, you were sick and you were even more sick today. You wanted to go watch the boys practice, but you felt like you were dying.

"(F/N)! Your sick!" You boyfriend said as you opened the door with a blanket draped around you. You just grunted and walked back to the couch and threw yourself onto it.

"Mori..what about volleyball?" You said weakly.

"Kuroo's got them. I'm going to take care of you. You don't look so good." He came over to you and placed a hand on your forehead.

"I don't feel good.." You said quietly.

"I can see that." He said. "I bought you some medicine." He took the medicine and gave you it along with some water. You smiled and snuggled into your blanket some more.

"I'm so glad I have a boyfriend like you Mori." You told him. "Your so caring..like a mom." You joked.

"Even when your sick, you still joke around." He said as he looked at you.

"You still love me though." You replied.

"Yeah, yeah. get some rest now." Yaku said and you nodded.

While you were sleeping, Yaku made some food for you. Mostly soup and soft foods because you were sick. He even helped clean your house a bit.

"Mori?" You called quietly. You noticed him in the kitchen and he came towards you.

"What's up? How are you feeling?" He asked.

"I'm kinda hungry." You said and he gave you a small smile.

"Good, I made you some food." He helped you up to the kitchen and he helped you sit down so you wouldn't fall. He sat next to you incase you wobbled over and fell.

"Itadakimasu." You said weakly. You picked up your spoon to eat the soup he gave you and you were shaking a bit. When you got sick you tended to become really weak.

"Having trouble there?" Yaku asked you.

"I feel so weak right now." You said and looked at him sad.

"I'll help you." He picked up your spoon and put it in the soup then fed it to you, which caused you to blush.

"Better?" He asked and you nodded. Yaku kept feeding you and it helped you eat. What would you do without him.

When you two were on the couch you started shivering and Yaku felt your small movements. He looked over to you and you were trying to gather as much warmth as you could.

"Mori, I'm cold." You said. He nodded and he threw his arm around you and moved you closer to him. It did help you warm up a bit but you ended up falling asleep in his arms.

Yaku noticed your small snoring so he carried you to the bedroom and put you in your bed and tucked you in. He sat on the floor next to you and he got a text message from Kuroo.

To: Yaku Morisuke
From: Kuroo Testurou

How's (F/N) doing? Is she sick?

To: Kuroo Testurou
From: Yaku Morisuke

(F/N) is sick, but I'm taking care of her, she'll be okay.

As soon as Yaku put his phone down (F/N) grabbed his hand and Yaku turned to face her.

"Mori, come sleep with me. I'll feel better sooner." He blushed at your words but he agreed to it anyways. He made himself comfortable next to you and you snuggled into his chest.

"I love you, thank you for taking care of me." You said softly.

"I love you too, I hope you feel better tomorrow."

~The next day~
"Good morning everybody!" You said cheerfully.

"Ah! Good morning (F/N)! Are you feeling better?" The them asked you.

"Way better! Thanks to my motherly boyfriend Mori!" You said as you clung onto his arm.

"Not this again.." He whined.

"It's okay, I still love you!" You said happily and you kissed him on the lips. The whole team stared at you guys but they had wide grins.

"Your so lucky you have a girlfriend who loves you Yaku!"

"I want a kiss too!"

"You should date me (F/N)!"

The team was throwing comments at the two of you and it made you happy that they did appreciate the two of you guys together. You smiled at Yaku and he smiled back at you. Who knew having a motherly boyfriend would be so amazing?

DISCONTINUED Haikyuu!! Oneshots!Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora