Sawamura Daichi

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"Hello? Daichi?"

"(F/N)? Sorry for the late notice, but do you think you could run practice tomorrow for me? I'm coming home, but I won't be back till after practice."

"Sure thing! Don't worry, I got this under control. Have a safe trip, I love you!"

"Thanks, I love you too."

Sawamura Daichi, your loving boyfriend of three years. Captain of the Karasuno boy's volleyball team. He had a family emergency to attend to so he missed a few days of school and practice. He knew you would be a great substitute for him while he was gone because you always watched them practice and you played some volleyball so you knew your way around things.

To be honest, you were a bit nervous. Of course you knew what to do, but could you be as leader like as Daichi was? Everybody listened to him and they respected him, they respected you as well because you were his girlfriend and they thought you were a nice person. You sighed to yourself and proceeded to think good thoughts instead of bad ones.

"(L/N)-chan! Good Morning!" Hinata said as he saw you in the halls.

"Good morning Hinata-Kun. How are you?" You replied sweetly. His eyes sparkled at you which made you chuckle.

"I'm great! By the way, do we have volleyball practice today? I heard Sawamura-San still isn't here." Hinata replied.

"Volleyball practice is on today!" You said as clapped your hands together and smiled.

"What? Who is going to run practice then?" He asked confused.

You threw out a piece sign and smiled. "I will be running practice today, Sawamura-San asked me to run practice yesterday at night. I hope you don't mind me running practice." You said as you have a sad smiled to the boy.

"N-Not at all! I'm looking forward to it (L/N)-chan! See you later!" And with that Hinata ran off.

After school ended you went to the gym as fast as you could and got everything ready for the boys. You had changed into a white shirt a size bigger than what you normally wore, some navy blue shorts, and you tied your (Hair color) hair into a ponytail.

"(F/N)-chan?" You turned around and saw Sugawara looking at you a bit puzzled. "What are you doing here?" He asked. You smiled and ran up to the gray haired man.

"Daichi-Kun asked me to run practice today. So, here I am!" You said as you rose your arms in the air. Sugawara gave you a small smile.

"Is that so? Good luck then, you can do it!" Sugawara said as he fist pumped you.

"(L/N)-chan!" you looked behind Suga and you saw Tanaka and Nishinoya running at you. You smiled and waved at them which caused them to stop and sparkle at you. "You look..SO CUTE!" They said as the ran around in circles around you.

"Guys stop it, that's Sawamura-san's girlfriend still remember?" Suga said. Nishinoya and Tanaka frowned and they backed away from you, imagining what Daichi would do to them.

"Okay guys, today I will be your captain! Sawamura-San asked me to run practice for him today so I expect nothing less from you guys. Okay! Let's start with running! Give me 5 laps around the gym!" You said as you blew on the whistle. The boys did exactly what you told me to do.

You let them practice serves then spikes and receives. You were pretty proud of yourself for being able to keep everything in order and have them listen to you and follow your directions. Suga came up to you as the boys were playing a practice game on the court.

"You're doing pretty good (F/N)-chan! I'm sure Daichi would be amazed to see this.

As if it were on cue, the doors slid open revealing Daichi. Your face grew bright as you ran and jumped on him, he caught you and you smiled into his neck. Everybody walked over to you guys and Daichi let you down softly. He smiled at you then he smiled at the team.

"Looks like you did a good job at practice today (F/N)." he said as he looked at you.

"I tried." You replied as you gave him a smile.

"She did do really good." Suga said to the both of you.

"We loved her being captain for a while!" Hinata and Nishinoya said. You chuckled at the two.

"Thanks you guys! It was really fun also!" You replied to the team.

Soon, practice ended and Daichi walked you home. He told you about how everything went by faster than he thought so he came to visit practice. You exchanged 'I miss yous' and hugs. You loved his hugs, he was so huggable to you.

"Thanks for running practice for me." He said as he pecked you on the cheek.

"Of course! It was really fun after all! Thanks for walking me home!" You said as you squeezed his hand which you were holding. "I'll come watch practice again soon, okay?"

"Okay, that'd be lovely. See you tomorrow."

"Yeah, see you tomorrow. Goodnight." You said as you opened door. He waved to you and he walked to his house, admiring you.
My update for the next chapter might be a little late, I'm going on vacation!

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