Akaashi Keiji

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A request from: xXNekoniXx
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"I'm so sad Keiji!"

"I know."

Your pet cat died a few days ago and you were still heart broken after that. You were always crying and nothing was cheering you up, not even your boyfriend Akaashi Keiji. He would come to your house to check on you, but he always found you crying in your house.

"(F/N), your crying is getting annoying." He told you. You looked at him the started balling again. He sighed at you and looked out the window, it was snowing. Then an idea popped in his head. "(F/N) get your coat on, we're going on a date."

You looked up at him with red puffy eyes, confused. "H-huh? W-w-why?" You stuttered out from your uneven breathing. Akaashi threw your coat on your head and you took it and put it on. Then you put on ear muffs, mittens, and a scarf.

"H-here." You said as you wrapped a scarf around your boyfriend. He took your hand and the two of you walked out of the house onto the dark winter night. You held his hand tight and you wiped your eyes on your scarf, wiping some left over tears you had.

"Do you want coffee?" He asked you as you stopped in front of a cafe. You nodded and he took you inside. He ordered the both of you some coffee and you sat down at a little table. You didn't want to really do anything, you sat there holding your warm coffee.

"Are you going to drink your coffee? I bought it for a reason." He said to you as he took a sip of his coffee.

"S-sorry, I will." You replied hiding half of your face into your scarf. You took your coffee and drank a little bit. 'It's nice and warm' "It's good." You said with a very faint smile.

"Come on, let's keep walking." He said as he stood up and waited for you. The two of you exited the shop and continued walking down the sidewalk. You looked up at Akaashi and admired him, he was so caring toward you.

Akaashi noticed you staring at him so he leaned down and kissed you on the lips before returning to his normal position like nothing happened. You flushed red and hid your face in your scarf, Akaashi smiled at you secretly.

"Wait here, I'll be back soon." He left you on a bench and he ran away to someplace. You were really confused and sad. You sat there all alone, the snow falling in your head and face. You still had your coffee with you so you drank your coffee.

You got bored so you decided to take a walk at the park right by your bench. You admired these winter dates. It was so beautiful, you stuck out your hand to catch the snow flakes. "Amazing!" You said to yourself. you spun around in circles and let out a breath that turned white.

You didn't notice that Akaashi came back, he saw you playing around with the snow and he let of a small smile. He admired your beauty in the winter light, he really admired you and your happy personality. "(F/N)!" He yelled out to you.

You turned around and ran back to Akaashi and stood in front of him. "Welcome back." You said to him. He gave you a small smile, you saw that he had a little box in his hands and curiosity got to you. "What's in that box Keiji?"

"It's for you." Akaashi said as he handed you the box. You accepted it and walked over to the bench to open it. Akaashi stood next to you and watched you slowly open box. Your long and slim fingers pulled on the ribbon on the box letting the ribbon fall beautifully.


Your eyes widened as you picked of the snow white kitten from the box. It had a little (F/C) ribbon tied loosely around its neck. Tears prickled your eyes, you turned to Akaashi and he looked shocked to see your expression.

"Do you not like it (F/N)?" He asked.

"I love it so much Keiji." You said as you started crying. You gave the kitty a soft hug as your tears were falling down your cheeks. You kissed it in the top of its head and you placed it back in the box. Then you stood up and gave him a hug.

"You were getting so depressed, I bought him for you." Akaashi said to you as he wrapped his arms around you. You sniffles and wiped your eyes on your sleeves.

"I'm so happy Keiji." you replied.
A few days later, Akaashi noticed your change in emotions, you were more happy and he never saw you cry when he came over to your house. You always greeted him with a smile and a thank you.

"Welcome Keiji!" You greeted as he came to your house. He entered and a white blob came up to his feet, he picked it up and the kitty curled against his hands. You expression brightened. "He likes you!" You exclaimed.

"I can see." Akaashi set him down in his bed and sat down on the couch, you ran up to him and snuggled against your boyfriend. "What are you doing?" He asked.

"I'm sorry for being such a crybaby before. Thanks for the kitty, I'm truly happy." You told him. "I love you, even if you didn't get me the kitty, I still love you Keiji." You told him honestly.

He put his arm around you and he let his head rest on yours. "Good, you can be such a crybaby." He tells you, you pouted but then smiled. "So stop being stupid sometimes."

You let out a small laugh, "Gomen, gomen, but that's just who I am."

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