Tsukishima Kei - Feelings

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"There he is (Friend's name)!" You quietly screamed at her. The two of you secretly looked at your long time crush, Tsukishima Kei. Only (Friend's name) knew about your crush with the tall blonde male, she would often tease you about him, which always made you blush.

"Go say hi!" She quietly yelled as she pushed you out of the corner and into the hallway. You stumbled a bit and when you caught yourself and looked up, Tsukishima was in front of you, looking at you.

"Ah! Tsukishima-Kun! G-good morning! S-sorry, (Friend's name) tripped me!" You yelled as your face became more red each second. He looked at you then he just walked pass you to his class. You turned to (Friend's name), and you had on the saddest face ever.

At lunch break, you ate with (Friend's name) and told her how sad, depressed, and embarrassed you were about the situation in the morning. She just laughed at you and you kept stuff into your face with food.

"I'm going to get some strawberry milk." You whined as you stood up. You walked over to the door and you accidentally tripped on a desk and you started to fall towards the door. When you were falling, the doors opened which revealed Tsukishima.

//cricket noises

"AHAHAHAH!" (Friend's name) started laughing as loud as she could at the scene, she loved you but this was too hilarious to her.

"T-tsuki!" Yamaguchi gasped.

As you were falling, Tsukishima opened the door, which caused you to face plant and headbutt Tsukishima...in the crotch. You slowly backed up and looked up at him with the most shocked face ever. You wanted to die.

"G-g-Gomen!! I-I was getting some milk! But I tripped! Then you came!" You tried explaining yourself to him but you were so embarrassed. You kept throwing your arms everywhere to explain, but nope. Tsukishima backed up and closed the door in your face. You crawled back to (Friend's name) and 'cried' in her lap.

"UWAHH! SO EMBARRASSING!" You cried as she gave you pats on the head.

"It's okay." She replied.

"HE PROBABLY HATES ME NOW!" You cried even louder. People were looking at the two of you.

"Gomen! She's going through some problems!"(Friend's name) said.
"Tsuki! Are you okay?!" Yamaguchi asked, trying to hold in his laughter.

"That idiot.." Tsukishima mumbled.

"But, you like her anyways! So it's not as bad! Right?" Yamaguchi asked. They went back into the class after a few minutes and found you onto of your desk and (Friend's name)'s desk, lying there..doing nothing.

"What's wrong with her?" Yamaguchi whispered. Tsukishima shrugged him off and sat in his desk, waiting for class to start, but he couldn't help but worry a bit for you. The teacher didn't question you about your position, so class started with you still on the desks.

The next day, you were still embarrassed and depressed. You didn't say good morning to Tsukishima like you usually would, which made him confused. He would see you pass in the hallways, not saying anything.

"(F/N) is acting awfully different today isn't she?" Yamaguchi asked. "You should go talk to her."

"What? Why?" Tsukishima argued.

"Make her feel better! You like it when she's happy!" Yamaguchi said to the tall male. Tsukishima blushed.

"Shut up.." He replied walking over to you and he sat in front of you.

"Idiot, what's wrong with you today?"

"Nothing.." You replied looking away. You head was on your desk. Tsukishima was irritated with your attitude so he left. You were sad, even more sad now.
"You really going to do this?!" Yamaguchi asked.

"I'm sure, not stop asking," He replied. "Tell (F/N) to meet me here, now." Tsukishima said to Yamaguchi. He nodded and left. Soon he came back with you.

"What did you want?" You asked a bit flustered.

"Go out with me." Tsukishima said bluntly.

"Hah?" You asked blinking your eyes quickly.

"I said go out with me."

"Your serious?" You asked crossing your arms, a bit suspicious. He pulled you with your uniform blazer, and kissed you. On the lips.

"Dead serious." He said staring into you (Eye color) eyes. You flushed red and kissed him back.

"Okay, I'm in your care now." You replied as you gave him a hug, with the biggest smile. You stuffed your face in his sweater, and you didn't see it but he smiled when he saw your smile.

'There it is.' he said to himself.

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