Tsukishima Kei - Rejections

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Sorry for no updates in a few months! I had really no inspiration to write for this book, but now that I'm watching season two, I guess I should write something.

Requests are open ;)

"Did you hear? (L/N) has a crush on Tsukishima."

Your eyes widened and your cheeks started to flush a warm red color as you heard the other students talk about you. It was true though,

You do have a crush on Tsukishima Kei.

You've always seen him around, always noticed him, always noticed how good looking he was, always had him on your mind. He was always in your view.

"Ne! (L/N)-chan!" You jumped at the voice of your friend and the feeling of her hand on your shoulder. You turned your head to look at her and she smiled. "I'm going to tell Tsukishima you like him."

"What? No! Don't don't do that!" You quietly yelled at her as your eyes slowly wandered to Tsukishima. He turned his head and his view met yours making you gasp and avert your eyes.

She held your shoulders and pushed you back and forth, "Come on, he knows already."

"I know he knows," you pursed your lips into a thin line, "but still..."

Slapping you on the back, she gave you a thumbs up. "Don't worry! I'm going to tell him! See ya later!"

You watched as (Friend Name) ran off to find Tsukishima. You heart was beating rapidly and slowly aching because Tsukishima used to have a crush on her. Of course he would though, she was beautiful and perfect. While you were..just here.

Shaking your head to remove the negative thoughts, you clutched your fist and nodded.

"I'll talk to him at practice."


"What do you want." He coldly replied as he glared at you. You jumped and played with your fingers.

"U-um, I just.. Do you hate me?" You looked up at the tall blonde and he had no expression on his face. Your cheeks started to glow a bright red, but luckily the sun was setting so he couldn't tell.

"A girl already asked me out."

Your eyes widened and you threw your hands in front of you, quickly waving them around. "Th-that's not what I meant! I'm just a bit confused on how you think of me.."

"I think you're weird." With that, Tsukishima turned on his heel and walked back into the gym leaving you standing there alone.

Shaking your head, you slapped your cheeks. "I can't give up now."


"Ts-Tsukishima-kun!" You called out. The tall male sighed and turned around to face you. He didn't look to happy to see you.

"Do you know how to play volleyball?" You knew it was an obvious question, you just wanted to talk to him.

"Duh, I'm on the team." Tsukishima gave you a look before he turned back around. 'No, don't leave yet, I'm not done!'

"I-I like you Tsukishima! Go out with me!" Your hands were next to you, clutched into fists. You had finally told him how you felt, in person too. He turned around and you jumped, standing up straight.

"I know already jeez. I don't like you though." Your heart broke a little but you saw it coming. Smiling to yourself and looking at the floor you said,

"You suck."


"Yeah, I guess we're enemies now." You said to your best friend as you threw your head back on the chair. "Hmm, I don't know why he hated me so much."

Your best friend sat next to you and gave your shoulder a pat. "It's okay, he's like that a lot."

"One day, I'm going to make him fall in love with me. Then I'm going to break his heart."

Your friend gave you an awkward smile. "Okay..then.." You pulled your head back up and focused your eyes on Tsukishima. Shaking your head at him, you looked back at your best friend.

"He didn't have to be so rude, he didn't have to be so blunt. I'm just doing what he did, that's it." You closed you eyes and smiled, 'Get ready Tsukishima, I hope you get heartbroken too.'

After that, you started to pamper yourself up and actually made yourself look cute. You watched what you ate and made sure your body was what Tsukishima would have wanted. In the next year, you were finally what you wanted to be. Something Tsukishima would want but couldn't have.

It was a spring day and you were walking to your the gates of Karasuno. Your best friend ran up to you and continued to walk with you. She smelled the spring air before turning to look at you.

"You know, you don't have to be so mean to Tsukishima." You smiled at her and looked straight ahead, shaking your head.

"No, I shouldn't be mean. But I just want to give him what he deserves." You waved at random students and walked into the building, taking your shoes off to wear the school ones, you walked up to class.


"Tsukki?" Tsukishima broke out of his trance as Yamaguchi called out his name. The tall blonde looked at his friend, who was smiling cheekily at him. "Staring at (L/N)-chan again?"

Tsukishima blushed and shot his friend a look. "Stop bugging me about (L/N)." Tsukishima scolded him as he rested his cheek on his fist.

"I know you like her, maybe you should've accepted her confession that one time." Yamaguchi said before he stood up and walked away somewhere, leaving his blonde friend alone.

"Hi Yamaguchi-kun!"

Tsukishima's eyes widened at the sound of your voice. He turned around and noticed Yamaguchi having a normal conversation with you, it made him a teeny bit jealous.

Tsukishima used to hate you. He hated how you used to like him, he hated how you tried to always talk to him. You were annoying and he hated that. But now, he hated how you never started conversations with him anymore.

Your eyes averted over to Tsukishima's and his eyes locked with yours, instead of keeping the gaze, you looked back to Yamaguchi and talked to him happily.


"(L/N)-chan." Tsukishima's voice stopped you in your tracks as you were walking away. "I like you, go out with me." You smiled and chuckled, turning your head to face Tsukishima.

"I know that already, but I don't like you." You gave him a nice smile and walked away. "Doesn't feel good to get heartbroken Tsukishima. Maybe you should've thought about that before. Have a good night."

Tsukishima was left standing there, a bit shocked at what happened. He silently cursed himself before he turned around and walked away, feeling a little bit heartbroken.

While you walked away, you did feel a little bad for Tsukishima, but this is what you wanted. "Well, this is what happens."

Tsukishima started to regret not accepting your confession, but he knew this was his consequence.

Not everything ends in a happy ending.

DISCONTINUED Haikyuu!! Oneshots!Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt