Asahi Azumane - Lava

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Request from: @PokemonTrainerK

Thank you for the request! It was very cute and fun to write! Sorry if it was a kinda short chapter though!! I hope you like it!

Requests are still open so comment below if you have a request!!


You were on the couch reading a book when an Idea popped into your mind. You waited for Asahi to walk into the apartment after he had finished volleyball practice. Soon, you heard the door unlocking and once he stepped foot into the living room you screamed.

"AHH! HELP ME ASAHI!" You screamed, clutching to your shirt. "I'M GOING TO DIE!" Asahi looked at you confused as why would you be screaming on the sofa.

"The lava is rising! I'm stranded!" You screamed. Asahi went along with your game. He dropped his bags and started to get onto of the sofa.

"Ahh! Don't worry! I'm coming!" Asahi jumped from 'land' to 'land', coming closer to saving you. HE dodged the lava on the floor as he landed on a piece of paper and going back to the 'land'. Finally he reached you and you smiled, hugging him.

"Now we have to escape! We're going to die!" You exclaimed as Asahi nodded and turned around, leaping from 'land' to 'land' again. You followed him and jumped where he stepped, but you slipped and fell. Luckily you held onto something and it prevented you from falling into the burning lava.

"(F/N)!" Asahi called, jumping back to help you but you stopped him.

"Asahi no! If you come back, we're both going to die in this lava! Just leave me and enjoy your life.." You said tearing up.

"(F/N)..." Ashai's heart broke as you slowly started to lose your grip. "IF WE DIE, WE DIE TOGETHER!" Asahi jumped from 'land' to 'land' avoiding the lava. He grabbed your hand pulled you up, carrying you princess style.

"Asahi! You saved me!" You cried, hugging him. "I was so scared to lose you." You said putting your head in his neck. He smiled and hugged you tighter.

"I couldn't let you die." Asahi said back.


"AHHHH!" You both screamed as the floor underneath you had broke off and fallen into the lava. The both of you next. You held onto Asahi and tightly shut your eyes, waiting for the lava to burn you.


Asahi and you lied on the floor of your shared apartment, looking up at the ceiling. You turned you head to Asahi who was face flat on the carpet. You let out a chuckle and pushed him over to his back.

"Sorry Asahi!" You say as you gave him a hug. He wrapped his arms around you and he let out a long sigh.

"It's my fault we died. My foot slipped off the couch cushion.." He replied, which made you laugh.

"It's okay, I had fun! We lasted pretty long." You said laying your head on his chest. "That was a hard fall though..You didn't hurt yourself too hard did you?" You asked looking over at Asahi who had a bloody nose.

"ASAHI!" You jumped up and ran into the bathroom, grabbing a roll of toilet paper and ran back to Asahi. You sat on your legs, sat him up while he cupped his nose with his hand as you tore off a long piece of toilet paper and folded it, handing it to him.

"Sorry, because of me you got injured and got a bloody nose.." You held you head down and looked at your knees. He leaned over and kissed the top of your head.

"It's okay, it's just a nosebleed." You looked up at him and smiled. "Plus, I had fun."

"Thanks, Asahi. You always turn bad situations, better." You kissed him on the lips and looked at him.

"Okay, you should take a shower, you're all sweaty from volleyball.." He let out a chuckle before standing up.

"Promise you'll come watch my game tomorrow?" He asked looking at you.

"You don't even have to ask."

"Thanks, you're the best." He said as he walked over to the bathroom.

"I know I am.." You said loud enough for him to hear. "I can't wait to see Nishinoya and Tanaka! I love how they react when I come to your games!" You said laughing.

"Ahaha....yeah.." Asahi said from the bathroom. He didn't really like the thought of the two boys surrounding you, but he knew that they didn't see you often. He smiled to himself at the fact that you would be watching their game tomorrow. It just made his day better.

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