Yaku Morisuke - Short Hair

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Inspired by what Yaku said in the manga. I changed the dialog a bit so it's not exactly like the manga!


You were quite proud of your long hair, it was really pretty and you could do so much with it. It took you three years to grow it to the length it is now. Even your crush, Yaku Morisuke, seemed to like your long hair as well.

"Good morning (L/N)-chan, you look nice today!" Yaku complimented as he walked by you in the morning. Your heart leaped as you heard the sweet things come out of his lips. You smiled at him, "Th-thank you Yaku-kun!"

Letting out an angelic chuckle, he nodded and walked to his class. You watched him with flowers of moe around you as your friend pushed you to class.

"Rosie-chan, (I'm going to put myself in here as your best friend, hi) h-he complimented me!" You stuttered from happiness as you clung onto Rose's arms. "Alright, alright. Sit down and try focus in class now okay?"

"I'll try!" You exclaimed as your smile never faded throughout the day.

A few days later, you had pinned your hair really cute just for Yaku. You made sure your uniform was on properly as you fixed your hair in the mirror and walked off the school. Too bad Yaku didn't notice you all day.

"Rosie-chan!" You cried as you clung onto your best friend. Rose looked at you and gave you a pat on the head. "There, there. I'm sure he was just too shy to compliment you today."

"I don't know, maybe..but still! I looked so cute just for him!" Rose chuckled and handed you some yen. "Here, buy something from the vending machine to make you feel better okay?"

"Okay.." Walking toward the door, you headed to the vending machine down the hall and bought a (Favorite Drink) and began to walk back to class. As you were walking back to class, you over heard Yaku and his friend Kuroo.

"I prefer girls with long hair." Kuroo stated as he sipped on his drink. Yaku looked at him before plunging the straw into his own drink. "I like girls with short hair."

An arrow was shot into your heart as you fell to the ground in disappointment. 'That's why he didn't compliment me. I have long hair!' Quickly running back to Rose, you fell into her arms and cried -not literally.

"What's wrong now?" Rose asked you as she sat you down in a chair. You looked at her with a sad face. "Yaku-kun said he liked girls with short hair! Short! I have long hair!"

"Mhm, so what?" Rose replied opening her bento box. "So Yaku doesn't like me!"

"I'm sure you're an exception to him." Rose took your drink and inserted the straw into it, taking a sip. "You worry too much."

"Maybe, but I'll get him to notice me again."


It was the next day, and you held your head down as you walked onto the school grounds. With each step you grew more and more nervous, shaking slightly. You could feel the stares as you changed your shoes at your locker.

"Look at (L/N)-san..her hair.."

"I couldn't even tell it was her!"

You quickly grabbed your bag and walked to class, but accidently bumped into a person as your head was down. Looking up, you were faced with Yaku who had a shocked look on his face.

"Y-Yaku-kun!" You exclaimed as you held your cheeks from embarrassment. He leaned forward to study your face, as well as grabbing a strand of your hair. Your cheeks began to turn a rosy color as you watched him.

"You cut your hair..It's short now." Your strand of hair slipped from his fingers as he stepped back to look at you. "Why'd you cut your hair?"

"I o-overheard you and Kuroo-kun talking yesterday. You said you liked girls with short hair.." You looked down at your feet and blushed. Yaku didn't say anything for a couple of seconds. Looking up, you see him blocking his mouth with the back of his hands as you looked away from you.

"E-even with your long hair, you still looked pretty." He mumbled loud enough for you to hear. Your heart began beating furiously as you looked down again. "Thanks.."

"D-don't get the wrong idea! You still look pretty with your short hair as well." You smiled at his words and looked up through your lashes at him.

"Thank you Yaku-kun."


Around the corner, Rose and Kuroo watched curiously at the two as they smirked at how well their relationship was progressing. Rose stepped aside and crossed her arms at Kuroo which made him arch a brow.

"What?" He asked unsure at what he did.

"She cut her hair because of you. It took her three years! Three years Tetsurou!" Rose yelled.

"What? I just wanted to know!"  

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