Chapter 15 (2 years)

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It had been two years since the incident. Christopher had been telling his story all around the world but this time was different, this time he would be telling the story where he lived. Christopher took a deep breath as he adjusted his tie. He looked at his reflection in the mirror that was aligned on the bathroom wall. A soft knock at the door caused him to turn around.

"Who is it?".

"Alicia," The voice responded.

He opened the door, coming in contact with a pair of hazel eyes.

"They're ready," She said lowly.

"Okay, I'll be out in a sec," He replied as he glanced at his reflection once again. He rubbed the dark scar that ran along the side of his cheek.

Christopher opened the door slowly, meeting Alicia. She was smiling slightly.

"You know you're really brave," She admitted as she fixed his tie. "You've told your story alot of times but this time is different,".

"I know," He responded as he watched her fix his tie. "Thanks, for everything,".

She smiled brightly, grasping his face in her warm hands, then kissed his forehead lightly.

Christopher smiled lightly as he brushed past her and walked into the room where reporters were set up and people awaited patiently for his arrival. Everyone's head shot up and they stared at him as if he was a God. He took a deep breath as he approached the stand where they had a microphone set up.

"My name is Christopher.....,".

Everyone remained silent, and then a babies loud cry filled the quiet room. Christopher looked over at the woman who was rocking her crying baby and so did everyone else. She uttered something then walked out of the room.

Everyone's attention refocused on him.

"And I was one of the people who were trapped in the elevator. I'm the only survivor, there were four others. Tremaine, Kaleen, Dylan, and......Ariella,".

"Tremaine was some sort of business man, he kept talking about his wife, and how he wanted to make things right I just wish he had more time. Then there was

Kaleen, she said she was raped, and at first I ain't like her," Christopher admitted bluntly. "But we were the only ones who made it but.....but she.....She gave me her blood even though she knew it was risky,".

A man who sat in the back wailed loudly, standing up from his seat.


A few security guards whispered something to him, probably telling him to take a seat. He angrily pushed the security guards away from him and stormed out of the room.

"And they there was Dylan, he was trying to find a way out but.....he died first,".

A man and a woman who were sitting in the front hugged each other tightly, the woman hid her face in the man's chest.

"Then there was Ariella, she had a bad relationship with her fa-,".


Christopher looked up quickly, Mr. Moore stood there. His face as red as a tomato. He was Ariella's father, and Christopher's old boss.


The same security guards who escorted the man in the back out were now coming for Mr. Moore.


The security guards roughly grabbed his arms and pulled him towards the doors.

Once Mr. Moore was out, Christopher continued talking.

"She had a bomb implanted inside of her, and she told me and Kaleen about it, so we were able to make it out but unfortunately, Ariella......She died,".

He stepped away from the microphone and an eerie silence took place. No one said anything, they all looked at him in worry, anger, shock, sympathy, and gratitude.

He walked towards the exit, stepping out into the cool day. Before he could make it to his car, he felt someone tugging on his arm. He turned around abruptly, facing the woman with the crying baby.

"My name is Sharon, I'm Tremaine's wife,".

Her eyes were becoming watery and she glanced down at her baby.

"This his baby,".

Christopher looked at the baby, he had Tremaine's eyes and nose.

"He didn't even know I was pregnant, I was gonna get a abortion," She croaked. "I just wanna see him one last time, so I can tell him I love him,".

Christopher gazed at the brokenhearted woman before him. He put his hand on her back, comforting her.

"He loved you alot and I know he's looking down right now, and he's proud of you for not getting an abortion, you have a beautiful baby boy,".

She collapsed into his arms, weeping softly.

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