Chapter 4

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Ariella stood up, placing her hand on her hip. "Why are you all sitting down? We have to find a way out of here,".

"THERE IS NO FUCKING WAY OUT OF HERE!" Christopher shouted angrily.

"N-no s-screaming," Dylan stuttered as he held his head and rocked back and forth.

"I never even got to tell Sharon that I love her," Tremaine said lowly.

"Who's Sharon?" Ariella asked.

"My wife," Tremaine answered.

"You don't got no wedding ring on your finger," Christopher scoffed.

Tremaine looked up at Christopher. "Because we've been separated for two months,".

"Why?" Ariella asked sincerely.

"As much as I want to get to know all of you and hear about all of your problems we still need to get the fuck out of here," Christopher said sarcastically as he started looking around.

"You were the one who just said there's no way out of here," Ariella reminded as she rolled her eyes.

"Listen you fucking stuck up bitch your daddy owns this place so you should know about a secret passage out of here," Christopher sneered.

Ariella pushed him. "FUCK YOU!".

Christopher smiled as he licked his lips. "Please,".

Kaleen stood up and stepped in between Christopher and Ariella. "Enough! We are all stuck in here together, the last thing we need is for you two to be arguing,".

"Shhhhh," Tremaine hissed as he looked up. "You hear that?".

Everyone became quiet.

"It sounds like footsteps," Christopher said.

"And voices," Kaleen said lowly.

"There's people up there!" Tremaine exclaimed excitedly. "HELP US!".

"HEY!!!!!" Kaleen screamed. "WE'RE DOWN HERE!!!".

"PLEASE SOMEONE HELP US!!!" Ariella yelled.

"They can't here us," Christopher said as he sat back down.

"We have to keep yelling, then maybe they'll hear us," Ariella retorted.

"They will never hear us okay, we're all the way in the basement," Christopher said.

"I have to get out of here," Kaleen cried. "I can't die like this,".

"We're not going to die," Ariella convinced as she pushed a few strands of hair behind her ear. "We just have to keep looking,".

"There's a light down there!" Tremaine yelped in relief as everyone surrounded him.

"Who's small enough to fit down there?" Christopher sighed as Kaleen glanced at a shaking Dylan.

"He can," Kaleen nodded at Dylan.

"Yeah, he'll definitely do it," Christopher said sarcastically as he sucked his teeth, apparently annoyed.

Kaleen looked at Dylan, then smiled softly. "Sweetheart," She gently touched his shoulder.

Dylan jerked forward and looked at Kaleen as if she was a stranger.

"Dylan, I'm Kaleen," She said slowly. "And we need your help,".

"W-will I-i b-be l-late t-to w-work? M-momma w-will b-be m-mad," He spoke nervously.

Kaleen couldn't help but to let a tear stroll down her cheek, she felt sympathetic towards Dylan.

Kaleen quickly wiped the tear from her cheek and forced a smile onto her face. "No you won't be late to work, you'll be the first one there,".

Kaleen led him to the small tunnel, where a light beamed. Everyone crowded around it.

"Okay Dylan we need you to climb through that hole and tell us what you see down there?" Kaleen spoke thoroughly and clear so he understood.

Dylan nodded his head and attempted to climb through the hole until Christopher stopped him.

"You're not a retard, I was just mad. You're actually really smart," Christopher smiled as he looked down, probably feeling remorseful for being mean to Dylan.

Dylan smiled a little then nodded as he began to climb through the hole.

"Be careful!" Ariella called after him.

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