Chapter 8

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Sweat trailed down Christopher's face, meeting at the bottom of his abdomen. He kicked the handle once more, it jiggled then remained attached to the door.

"We're never gonna get out of here like this," Kaleen cried.

"We have to find another way," Tremaine said.

"There's no other way! We're stuck in here!" Ariella shrieked as she stared at Christopher's sweaty abdomen.

"Well how about you try helping instead of staring at him," Kaleen nodded at Christopher.

Ariella scrunched up her face at Kaleen. "I was not looking at him,".

Christopher looked down, showing his slightly crooked smile.

"Listen you guys can flirt all you want after we find a way out of here," Tremaine said.

"Shouldn't there be some kind of safety window somewhere?"Christopher questioned.

"Yeah, but where?" Kaleen asked.

"I'm sorry to burst you guys bubble but even if there was some kind of safety window do you really think it's still useful?" Ariella asked.

"I think we should all try to kick this door open," Christopher scoffed.

"Listen you guys can try to kick that door open," Tremaine said. "And I'll just climb through there and see if there is an opening,".

"No!" Christopher shouted. "That other guy died down there!".

"Dylan," Kaleen whispered. "His name was Dylan,".

They all stared at her momentarily.

"I'll be right back, I have to check," Tremaine said.

"You go with him," Christopher glared at Kaleen as she looked between the two, wide eyed.

"I-i can't g-go," She stuttered nervously. "He should go by himself,".

"No you're gonna go with him," Christopher sneered.

"Kaleen just go with him," Ariella retorted.

Kaleen looked at Ariella angrily. "Oh yeah I should go so you can have some alone time with that bastard,".

Christopher lunged at Kaleen, Ariella and Tremaine pinned him against the wall holding him back. Kaleen stood back against the wall, her blue eyes filled with fear.

"I think it's best if you just come with me," Tremaine suggested.

Kaleen shook her head hesitantly then walked towards the tunnel with Tremaine.

Christopher stared angrily at Kaleen as she strolled away. He hated her, yet he hasn't even known her for a long time.

"Hey," Ariella tapped Christopher on the shoulder. "You shouldn't let her get to you,".

Christopher looked into Ariella's eyes for a quick second then turned his attention to the door handle that he had been kicking for twenty minutes straight.

"How are we gonna get it open?" Ariella asked lowly.

"Well maybe if we both try kicking it together then it will open?" Christopher asked.

"We can try," She said as she stood up and began to kick the handle.

Soon Christopher joined in and they were both kicking the handle. The sound of both of their foots clanking against the old metal made a screeching sound that went on for what felt like forever.

One sideways kick caused Ariella to almost fall, but Christopher somehow yanked her back up until she was pressed up against his sweaty chest. She looked him deeply in his face, recognizing the brown freckles that were plastered on his cream colored face. The way his eyes stared into hers she felt as if their lips were going to be attached at any second but after awhile of standing there in that awkward position, Christopher did the expected, he cleared his throat nervously and backed away.

"Uh um maybe we should continue kicking?".

"Uh yeah," Ariella agreed as she hesitantly pulled her eyes away from him.

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