Chapter 9

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After ten minutes of useless kicking, Christopher and Ariella decided to try an alternative method.

Christopher squatted down, bringing his face closer to the key lock underneath the door handle. "You got a bobby pin or something in your hair, I could probably pick the lock?".

Ariella nodded as she ran her fingers through her hair, pulling out a bobby pin and handing it to him. Their hands touched briefly, causing Ariella's light face to turn pinkish. Christopher rolled his eyes and focused on trying to turn the lock with the small bobby pin.

As Christopher focused on trying to open the lock, Ariella swayed side to side impatiently.

"So um did you ever speak to that girl again?" Ariella asked.

Christopher stopped what he was doing and looked Ariella in her face. "I don't want to talk about personal shit no more,".

His words were so harsh that Ariella had to hold back tears that threatened to spill over.

"Sorry," Ariella mumbled.

After five minutes of silence Christopher turned back around facing Ariella.

"I ain't mean to talk to you like that, I'm sorry,".

"It's fine,".

Christopher stared at her for a longer time before he spoke again.

"She's really sick now, I used to visit her but I don't really have the time anymore,".

Ariella nodded her head in understanding.

"Since we getting personal, if you hate your father so much how you feel about your mom?" Christopher asked as he focused back on attempting to open the lock.

"My mom is cool, I mean we get along well. I just wish that she wouldn't forgive him so much,".

"Forgive him?" Christopher questioned.

"He cheats, alot,".

"Oh," Christopher said lowly.


Meanwhile, with Tremaine and Kaleen

"All you have to do is hold the damn phone up! I need the light!" Tremaine exclaimed angrily as Kaleen sucked her teeth in defiance.

"Don't yell at me!" She snapped.

"Listen if you don't hold that light up I can't see, and if I can't see then coming in this dark ass tunnel was just a big waste of time," Tremaine said calmly.

Kaleen looked at him apologetically then held up the light.

As they crawled deeper into the tunnel, a bright light blared towards them.

"I SEE A LIGHT!" Tremaine yelped joyfully as he crawled faster.

Kaleen smiled as she crawled faster, matching his pace.

Once they crawled all the way to the blaring light, Tremaine was dangling over the edge. It was a dead end. The bright light was only the rest of the building, and if Tremaine fell he would only hit the perfectly waxed floor.

"OH MY GOD! GRAB MY HAND!" Kaleen screamed as she reached down.

Tremaine grabbed her hand but Kaleen struggled trying to hold him up. He was too heavy.

"Don't let go, okay?" Kaleen said as she looked down at how far the drop would be. If he fell he would definitely die.

"You ain't gon be able to hold me up for long," Tremaine retorted as his eyes watered.

Kaleen tried desperately to not let her emotions get in the way but before she could stop it, a crystal clear tear dripped from her eye.

"I'm not going to let you go," Kaleen responded.

"I want you to tell my wife that I love her," Tremaine said as he swallowed hard then closed his eyes.

"You're not going to fall," Kaleen assured him.

Tremaine gave her a weak smile then let his hand slip from hers. Kaleen shrieked loudly, watching his body drop onto the hard floor. She could hear his bones snap and blood covered the floor. His body was no longer recognizable.

"NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" Kaleen let out a bloodcurdling scream.


Meanwhile with Christopher and Ariella.

"I was never really a dancer," Ariella retorted as she sat down beside Christopher, watching attentively as he continued to pick the lock.

"I used to do street dancing with my boys, we was big. We used to make like $400 a day by dancing on the street," Christopher said.

"Wow, what's street dancing?" Ariella asked shyly.

"Girl you don't know what street dancing is?" Christopher chuckled.

"No," Ariella shrugged.

"Street dancing is like hip locking, chest popping street shit. Oh I forgot you ain't never been to the streets," Christopher snickered sarcastically.

"I can do the chest popping thing," Ariella laughed as she made an effort to chest pop.

Christopher glanced down at her chest as he licked his lips. "Something like that,".

Ariella looked away as she blushed.

"I like you Christopher," Ariella muttered impulsively.

Christopher continued picking the lock, never looking up at her.

"You don't like me," He smirked.

Ariella reached over, letting her hand graze his prickly beard.

"I do,".

And without warning she went to kiss his lips but Christopher backed away.

Before Ariella could say anything, screaming coming from the tunnel caught both of their attention.

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