Chapter 1

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October 7, 2012 8:15

Tremaine's p.o.v

I stared blankly at my reflection in the mirror as I turned the knob on the water faucet. I cupped my hands under the running water and splashed it on my face, I looked at my reflection once more. My face was dripping wet and my eyes had dark marks underneath them. I was tired. I grabbed a towel from the rack next to me and used it to wipe my face. I stripped out of my clothes and turned on the hot water in the shower. I stared at my reflection until the mirror began to get foggy from the hot heat escaping the shower. Then I went into the shower. As the water cascaded down my body, burning my caramel colored skin I let the tears rush down my face.

My name is Tremaine Neverson. I'm 29 years old and I'm unhappily married.


Christopher's p.o.v

My eyes fluttered open and I glanced at my alarm clock beside me. It read 8:30. I jumped up and threw on the cargo pants I wore the day before then I threw on an old white t-shirt.

"Babe what's wrong?" A woman who I had brought home the night before questioned. I didn't even remember her name.

"Shit I'm late!" I exclaimed as I quickly put on my Jordans and looked around for my sketchpad.

"Do you want me to make you breakfast real quick?" She asked sweetly.

"Nah I'm good," I said as I spotted my sketchpad in the corner of the room. I rushed to the kitchen and pulled a bottle of vodka from my fridge.

I ran towards the door and looked back at her. "When I come back, you shouldn't be here,".

"O-okay," She stuttered as she hopped out of my bed and scrambled around to find her articles of clothing.

I chuckled then left out the door.

My name is Christopher Brown. I'm 23 years old and I'm an alcoholic and a sex feen.


Kaleen's p.o.v


"So when do you want to talk about it Kaleen? When I'm dead?" He chuckled bitterly.

"Leave me alone John," I retorted as I walked towards the door.

"You need counseling Kaleen. Why should I have to beg to have sex with my wife?" He asked as his angry demeanor began to change into a sad one.

"We'll talk about this later John," I retorted as I walked out the front door.

My name is Kaleen Michigan. I'm 38 years old and I was raped three months ago.


Ariella's p.o.v

"Mom why can't you take it?" I whined as I quickly took a bite out of my toast then effortlessly slung my backpack over my right shoulder.

"Because I'm running late sweetie," My mother said quickly as she grabbed her car keys off of the kitchen counter, then placed a kiss on my forehead, then jogged to the door.

"Have a good day at work," I said as I heard the door close.

My name is Ariella Sanders. I'm 19 years old and I hate my father.


Dylan's p.o.v

"Honey your pants are on backwards," My mother narrowed her eyes at me, clearly disappointed.

"I-i sorry M-momma," I stuttered as I blinked rapidly.

"It's okay Dylan Momma isn't mad, I just want you to be a big boy and do it right," She smiled as she took off my pants, turned them inside out, then gave it back to me.

"Sweetheart I'm leaving now!" Dad's husky voice traveled into the room.

"Okay honey love you," Momma said as she stared at me pitifully. "C'mon let's get you to work on time,".

My name is Dylan Wesley. I'm 25 years old and I have turettes syndrome. 

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