Chapter 7

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It had been exactly 1 hour and 31 minutes since all of them have been stuck in a elevator. Christopher sat in a corner, scratching the broken cemented wall beside him, Kaleen was sprawled out across the floor, staring at the ceiling, Tremaine was trying desperately to get a connection on his phone, and Ariella was leaning against a huge piece of cement.

"We've been in here for over an hour, no one is coming to get us," Christopher said.

"Maybe they ju-,".

Tremaine was cut off by Christopher rudely interrupting.

"They're never gonna find us!".

"Do you wanna die in here? Cuz I don't!" Tremaine exclaimed.

Kaleen sat up and stared intensely at a cemented block. "Try seeing what's behind that block?" Kaleen spoke.

Tremaine and Christopher looked at Kaleen for a brief moment then did as she told.

Tremaine and Christopher moved the huge cemented block, revealing a small handle that looked like it was connected to what used to be a door.

"OH SHIT!" Christopher shouted excitedly as he instantly began to yank on the handle, but to no avail the handle wouldn't budge.

"How did you know a handle was behind there?" Ariella asked suspiciously.

"Lucky guess?" Kaleen shrugged nonchalantly.

Christopher angrily began to kick at the handle.

"Calm down, you're never gonna get it open like that," Tremaine said as he knelt down and looked closely at the handle.

"There's a keyhole at the bottom, I think that's how you're supposed to open it,".

"Man fuck a key, we need to kick that shit open," Christopher continued.

"We need the key! You're gonna keep kicking it and it's gonna break!" Tremaine hollered.

"So where's the key?" Christopher sighed.

Tremaine turned his head towards Ariella, including Christopher and Kaleen.

"Why are you all looking at me?".

"Did your dad ever say he had any spare doors in the building?" Tremaine asked.

Ariella scoffed. "My father never talked about work the few times he was home. Try asking Kaleen, since she knew about the hidden door?".

Kaleen's head shot up and she stared at all three people who were standing in front of her.

"I just guessed, I don't know about any keys. I work as a accountant for the company why would I know about any keys?".

"All I know is I gotta get outta here so if we don't find that key soon I'm kicking that shit open," Christopher retorted.

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