Chapter 40: "Patience"

Start from the beginning

''Yes, I did like... Two months ago, also I've got to finish the thesis.'' I smiled sitting down with James beside me.

''She's just a fighter.'' James said and I rolled my eyes blushing. ''Don't look at me like that.''

''Your son is really stubborn.'' I said to his parents.

''We thought the same when he was in that band and...'' Thomas said.

''Wait, a band?'' I asked and looked at James wickedly.

''Oh, didn't he tell you?'' Sarah, his mother, asked me.

''No.'' I chuckled. ''Actually, he didn't say anything.''

''Mom, please.'' James begged.

''I've got a few pictures I can show you!'' She exclaimed and I laughed out loud. ''But those are home, one day I'll give them to you.''

''Oh my God.'' James whispered and ran his hands through his hair.

''Don't get mad.'' I chuckled and gave James a peck. ''What do you want for dinner?'' I asked.

''No, no way.'' James said and got up. ''Stay here resting, I'll prepare something with my father.''

''Well...'' I sighed.

''Don't worry, keep talking with Sarah, we won't burn the kitchen.'' Thomas replied and I chuckled, letting them walk into the house.

''Honey, what happened?'' Sarah asked while she sat near me. ''I mean, you're pretty much skinnier than the last time.''

''I've...'' I sighed and took a deep breath as she grabbed my hand tightly. ''I've been through something really hard, but I'm okay right now.''

''I see.'' She whispered. ''Whatever you need, you just have to pick up the phone.''

''I know, and I'm very grateful.'' I grinned, but frowned when I noticed her looking at the ring. ''What's wrong?''

''I used to wear this ring when I got engaged with Thomas.'' She smiled brightly. ''He told me he would gave it to the woman of his life, exactly when they got engaged too.'' That's when she paused as I blushed. ''I've never seen my son looking at someone the way he looks at you.''

''How's that?'' I asked her.

''Love, Victoria.'' She replied. ''It is called love. And also I found it inside your eyes too.''

''I don't know what to say.'' I chuckled after blushing once again.

''Probably James will hate me, but I've got here a photograph of him when he was at the band even thought I've told him I didn't.'' She said and I laughed out loud.

''Jesus, I needed to see this.'' I whispered laughing as she handed me that pic. ''Aw, really?''

''Yeah, he was obsessed.'' She sighed rolling her eyes. ''You can keep it if you want.''

''He was so cute.'' I mumbled grinning. ''Of course I'm going to keep it, this is such a good weapon.''

''Who were so cute?'' James asked and I eyed his mom.

''James, how many times have I told you not to put your ear when people's chatting?'' Sarah scolded him.

''I wasn't... Wait, did you bring a picture?'' He said as he cocked an eyebrow. ''Mom!''

''I know I've told you the opposite, but it's not that bad!'' She replied.

''James, your mother will do whatever she wants to.'' His father said this time. ''You know how this works.''

''You were so cute, come on!'' I chuckled standing up. ''Also you can't get mad because Michael gave you a picture of me when I was eighteen.''

''If Michael finds out that picture...'' He said and looked at me.

''He will be laughing at you for the rest of your life, I know.'' I said. He put his hands on both sides of my waist. We were alone because his parents went to the kitchen.

''Well, dinner is ready.'' He said. ''Are you hungry?''

''God, yes.'' I said desperatedly. ''It's been a long time since I said that.''

''I'm glad because that's a sign which means you're doing okay.'' He replied, took my hand and walked with me inside, but before he gave me a kiss.

''I think that so.'' I said. ''But have you seen how little and cute you look right here?'' I said showing him the picture.

''I will never show you again one photograph.'' He said chuckling.


''This is for you.'' James said when everyone left. He handed me a letter.

''What's this?'' I asked, grabbing the paper.

''It came this morning, but I forgot to give it to you.'' He shrugged and sat beside me.

''It's not yours?'' I asked again, ripping out the outer part of the packet.

''Nope.'' He replied.

''I don't like this.'' I mumbled, starting then to read the content. I chuckled ironically when I finished the last words.

''What's wrong?'' James asked.

''My mother had a brilliant idea.'' I shook my head. ''I'm fucking sick of this.''

''It's okay, come on.'' He whispered, kissing softly my head.

''Do me a favour and burn it.'' I sighed, closing my eyes. ''I don't want to know anything else about them.''

''What did she said?''

''I quote.'' I replied. ''Your state is your own fault, not your brother's.''

''How does she know.'' I heard James mumble.

''That's the same question I have.'' I shrugged. ''No one told her it was my brother's fault even know we believe that.''

''This is absurd.'' He snorted. I sighed again.

''James, she said she's coming here.'' I mumbled.

''What?'' He said and the doorbell ringed. I shook my head when he tried to stand up.

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