"What?!" Carlen jumped back in surprise. "But nobody stopped us...!"

"The Professor guided me here to fetch you. He's been waiting for you two to arrive for ages..." Ackley looked as if he was trying to avoid looking at the memorial in front of them for some reason, instead focusing on a small plant growing out of his hand.

"We'll catch up in a minute." Dai told him, before turning to Carlen. "Hey...don't you think it's a bit odd?"

"What's a bit odd?" Carlen asked him. "There's plenty of things that are odd, if you ask me."

"Ackley said that this place was off limits - but the Professor didn't stop us at all. He would've had to have known where we were if he had to guide Ackley here, but he didn't put any effort in to stop us." Dai deduced. "Don't you think it's weird?"

"Maybe he wanted us to find this place, or maybe he was doing some other thing." Carlen shrugged his shoulders. "Is it really that out of place?"

Dai sighed, before following Ackley to the Professor's office. He had a bunch of questions, but with barely any answers to them. By the time they'd arrived at the office, he was still pondering them in deep thought.

"I was waiting here for ages because of you two!" Red huffed in anger. "I could've spent that time looking after Pizza...!"

"Or reading a book..." Felice added, looking slightly out of place without a book in her hands.

"A-Anyway..." Clarence obviously didn't want to start any arguments, so he began talking before anyone else kicked off. "...I'm sure you are all curious as to why I called you here. The truth is, Luella and I have decided that it's time for you lot to see something special."

"What do you mean by that...?" Ackley asked him, tilting his head out of curiosity. "What is this thing even used for?"

"I'll give you a hint." Clarence beamed, excited for what he had to show them. "It's what we used to find you lot in the first place."

Dai remembered the day when he first met the Professor. He was sitting alone, experimenting with his new found powers when the Professor came up to him and asked if he wanted to see others like him. He accepted, as he didn't know that there were other's like him in the first place. Even though it would be deemed odd to go along with a stranger, it was later revealed that the Professor had actually imprinted something in Dai's subconscious to tell him to trust the Professor.

Luella turned to a nearby bookcase. She pulled down on a book, which revealed a secret door behind the group. "I know it may seem that we've been keeping a lot of secrets from you, but we thought that now was the time to show you all one." She gestured towards the door, which everyone apart from Dai went inside to explore.

Dai turned to Luella, ready to ask her about one of the things that was bugging his mind. "Miss. Yvette, I wanted to ask you something about the academy..." He looked up at her with pleading eyes, knowing that she had a soft spot for cuteness.

"Why are you asking me?" Luella questioned him. "Clarence knows more about this place than I do. It's his home, after all."

"This is something that only you could tell me." Dai told her. "It's about a certain painting in a restricted hallway..."

"Restricted?! Clarence should've stopped you...!" Luella frowned, looking over towards her friend. "But..."

"Exactly. He didn't stop me from going down there. Which meant he must've wanted me to see the memorial at the end of the hallway, right?" Dai asked. "I figured that you would tell me, since the Professor would just try and brush it off. You know he doesn't like admitting to those things, don't you?"

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