Ch 2: Game Time

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Th boys gym locker was packed with excitement. Last game 'til Spring Break. And we were eager to make Alexis and her little girls cry.

Especially Alexis.

I gathered in the center of the hyped muscles. Being the head player, it was my job to get them ready to dominate.

"Are we going to let some nail painting, hair curling, lip gloss wearing prissy's beat us?! I yelled.

"No!" They cheered in unison.

"Are they going to take us down?!"


"Are we going to win?!" 


A roar of laughter escaped all of us.

"Alright, alright, fall in guys."

We placed our hands in the middle of our circle. "Male Tigers on three!"


A cheer came from the crowd as we took our side of the court. Alexis and her team were already out, stretching.

"Damn," David, chocked out behind me as we all watched their slender figures moves.

"The only thing good about playing chicks in volleyball," I laughed, "They're hot."

My eyes flickered to Alexis curvy brown body as she stretched effortlessly sexy. If she wasn't an arrogant bitch I'd totally be in there. I don't really have black girls as "friends" anyway. They're too hard to get into. Too snippy.

She turned to a Junior named Delilah and began to talk and stretch her arms at the same time. Completely forgetting 12 hormonal male teenager were behind her, she bent down, touch her toes for ten seconds.

A whistle came from my side of the court.

Her body snapped up and face her. Face full of fury she shouted out, "Pervs!" and turned back to Delilah.

I chuckled lowly and turned to David. Smirking, I tilted my head toward Alexis and said, "Boy, what I would do to that."

David stared at me with disgust and confusion. "You date black girls? And besides, I thought you hated her."

I shrugged, "I don't 'date' anyone David. And even though she is black, I'd make an exception. Her hate towards me kind of turns me on." I smiled wickedly.

Jayson, a tall black Junior , walked over to us laughing. "Give it up man. She'd never date a white guy. I heard her telling McKayla Anderson in lunch."

I luaghed in disbelief. White or not. No one could say "no" to me. I've never been turned down.

"I on the other hand," Jay joked, "am a chocolate thunder! Every girl wants this." He pointed to himself and smirked.

"Except McKayla Anderson." I shot back.

How ironic for best friends to have completely different tastes in guys. Alexis, apparently, would never date a white guy. While her best friend only dates white guys. I can only imagine how they clash when they talk about boys.

Jay's face formed a pout. He opened his mouth to retort, but was cut off by the signaling of the game starting.

We all went to our positions. The audience became quiet. As usual, the girls were the first to serve. Alexis had the ball in her right hand. She squinted her eyes in focus. Everyone thought she was only the head player was she was the only black girl on the team. Even being her arch enemy, I knew that was incorrect. No one cared that she as black.

She was just a major threat in volleyball.

Alexis got into ready position, about to to serve the ball overhand. The sound of her hand smacking the ball over the net made most of the freshman audience gasp. Juniors and Seniors were already used to her hard hitting.

David set the ball and I spiked is hard over on the opponents floor.

The crows roared.

I glanced at Alexis and smirking. She scowled and bit her lip in frustration.

After 20 hard minutes of sweat and low profanities either of our couches heard, we finally ended the game. Lady Tigers beating us 15 to13. Delilah served underhand right to Jay. He spiked it clean over the foul line. Causing us the game. Nothing but happiness swept over Alexis face as her tall lean frame bent over the net to gloat. Her straight black hair was damp over her forehead. She pushed it back and grinned.

"Nice for some nail painting, hair curling, lig gloss waring prissy's, huh?"

I could help but grin wickedly back at the fact that she heard us. Next time I'd make sure her name ends up in our cheer.

My face qucikly became a scowl, "After Break you're going down. We're going to murder your cheerleaders."

She folded her arms and her thin black eyebrows furrowed, "I could of sworn you said that last month."

I groaned and started walking towards the showers. She was right, The won the last eight games.

"Just tell your boyfriend to work on his returns next time!" She teased behind me.

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