3 ~ Survive

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The afternoon sun creeps in through the blinds and its warmth on my back feels nice. It has been hours now since Thane left, well, disappeared.

I called out to him a few times, but I'm not sure that's how it works. I have been lying in bed tossing and turning most of the day now. What if he dies, and I've killed the first and only angel I'll ever meet? I roll over and bolt upright in bed.

"Thane, you're alive!" I scramble out from under my covers and jump up.

"Can't get rid of me that easily," He says, with a slightly cheeky tone. He's standing near the window with a coy smirk and his arms are folded.

Immediately I start apologizing, "I didn't even know what was happening. My body started doing its own thing, and I couldn't even—" he halts my ramblings with his hand.

"Calith, it's alright and I'm okay. I knew there may have been some risks involved when I signed on to take your case."

I shudder at word, case. It makes me out to be some kind of criminal. Well, I may as well be locked up, seeing as I'm a danger to all men, human and, well not. The look on his face turns concerned, making me worry even more.

"What's wrong? You seem to be worried." I ask.

"I'm curious about your abilities. You shouldn't have been able to feed on me, seeing as I am a higher being. To be able to do that takes time and skill, not something a young vixen should be capable of doing." His eyes narrow slightly, as if he is trying to peer inside me.

"Uh, I'm not sure really, kind of happened on its own." I avoid eye contact with him, afraid he will know what I'm thinking on some cosmic level. I swear my cheeks are glowing bright red. I'm not going to tell him I was thinking about him–in the buff.

"Calith this will be your number one priority, the last thing we need is for you to start dropping bodies." No one can ever blame him for never being direct.

"Firstly, enough with the Calith thing, Cali is fine." I shake my head with annoyance from the dislike of my full name. "How do I control something I don't even know is happening?"

He takes a step forward and his bright blue eyes burn into mine. "You have been doing this for a good part of your life, but now something inside of you has come alive. I think what happened when you were dancing, is you got overwhelmed by everyone's energy in the room, it was like turning a dial up to maximum."

His sudden closeness makes my skin tingle and his warm breath is enticing—for some crazy reason my body wants his. I back away and quickly turn, pretending to rummage through my cupboard drawer.

"Last night was the first time I've ever felt that way while on stage. Dancing is usually so natural for me, it's always been part of who I am." I reach down and shove some clean clothes into a drawer. "But going onstage," I continue, "I was over thinking it all and panic set in." I shove the drawer closed and not purposely trying to change the subject, my curiosity of angels gets the better of me. "Are all angels the same?" Before the puzzled look forms on his face, I reword my question. "I mean, do they all act human, or mostly so?" I sit back down on the end of my bed.

The cogs tick over for a few seconds before he answers.

"It depends how much contact they have had with humankind. I, personally, have had a lot, so mimicking and picking up social behaviors becomes more fluent." His reply makes me realize that I could've easily met an angel before and not known.

"How old are you? You do age, don't you?" I ask curiously.

"We exist in the now, there is no frame of time that we live in." His answer simply complicates my understanding even more. I have a million questions and I know he'd happily answer them, but if I don't get my ass to work, I won't have a job to go to.

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