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Please don't judge my writing based on this one fic, it was my first one and to be honest, I hate it. I tried editing this chapter but it would take forever to edit all the chapters to where it was actually readable.



I ran. I had to get away. I had to get anywhere other than here. Here, where no one cares. Here, where everyone backs away from me. Here, where bad memories surround me. I was tired but I had to keep going. Run. Run. Run.

   It was in the middle of the day so it was harder to find shadows. I ran into the Hades cabin and shut and locked the doors, then the windows. I had to leave. Now.

BAM! "Nico open the door!"

I felt bad but I couldn't let him get to me. He didn't understand. He just didn't understand! Why didn't anyone understand?! They all thought I didn't want anyone to talk to me just because I'm a child of Hades. No. When Bianca died, everyone had pity for me. I didn't want pity! I wanted Bianca! They thought I was being rude. They said things then. Creep. Alone. Mean. Useless. Unwanted. I heard them all. They didn't know I heard. But I did. I heard everything. I knew why they wouldn't come near me. And when the Ares cabin came to do some bullying I knew they were coming before they got here. I would shadow travel back here and go through this same process. Hide, hide, hide. Run, run, run.

"Nico, let me in!" Will called from outside my cabin.

"No! You don't understand! Nobody understands...." I held back tears. "Just go away." I said the last part the quietest, Will might not even know I said it.

"Nico! Please! Let me in! I understand!"

Why won't he just go away?

"No you don't! Stop getting my hopes up! Your just going to leave me anyway! I'll end up alone and just with one more heartbreak than before and you'll add to the List!"

"What list? Nico I wouldn't hurt-"

"The list of names." I whispered "Creep, useless, worthless, rude." I couldn't hold he tears back any longer. They started to fall down my cheeks.

"Nico I-"

"I'm not done! Good-for-nothing, despicable, villainous, crazy, evil, alone forever, unfixable."
I couldn't go any longer.

"Nico. Please. Can you open the door? I can help! I promise. I swear on the River Styx that I'll help you!"

"You can't and now you've endangered yourself! But your gonna blame it on me and get mad at me and you'll add to the list! Don't try to trick me, Solace!" I was still crying.

"Nico, please!" Now Will was crying! Why was Will crying? We were both sitting on different sides side of the door, with our back to it. He could kick it down. If he kicked it down I would have to choice but to go with him to the infirmary.

He said I looked too tired. That I needed rest. And that I needed to go to the infirmary.

"Nico? Nico, please don't shadow travel away! At least let me talk from here."

"I'm sorry, Will." I started to get ready to leave. I didn't care if I was too tired to shadow travel. I didn't care if I got lost in the shadows. I just didn't care.

"Nico, please no!" I heard the bang as he tried to knock down the door.
"Nico, you're not healthy enough!" He was desperate, I could tell. He knew I didn't care if I was 'healthy' enough.

"Will, I have to! I have to get away from here..."

BOOM! I looked over. Will had kicked down the door. But I was quick. We had just enough time to lock eyes and he yelled "Nico, don't!" Before I shadow traveled away.

   I'm so sorry Will, I thought, I just can't let you add to the List.

Of course, now he would still probably add to it. 'Didn't listen, bad news.' I thought of all the things people have called me.

'Empty, junky, broken. Lousy, flawed, unsatisfactory. Retarted, dud, imperfect, unacceptable, miserable, nothing, waste.' And that was just within the week.

I realized I had been so deep in thought I forgot about where I was. I found myself outside of Camp Half-Blood, at a street corner. I was trying to think of what to do when I found five mortal dollars on the sidewalk. I picked it up and looked for a restaurant nearby, preferably McDonald's. McDonald's happy meals always seem to cheer me up. I walked around, being careful not to do anything to draw attention to myself. I knew mortals could be powerful at certain parts of Don't think about that. Too many bad memories.

I found a McDonald's and I ordered a happy meal. I ate at a table near the window, so I could watch the world. I looked at my toy. It was a death car, I think it was from some childrens' cartoon. You could say that I loved it all you wanted, but I hated it. Death wasn't good to me or my family. I only had one family member left...

No. Bad Nico. Don't think about that. Run. Just run, run, run, run. It's easier. I sighed. I had finished my chicken nuggets and started on my fries when I heard them.

"NIIIIIIIICO? Nnnnnnnnnico?" Called Will and two of the Apollo bullies. They were looking for me. Together. This isn't good.

(So I just spent like an hour editing just that part so I'm giving up on this. Sorry, but the rest is unedited.)
Why was will with the bullies? Didn't he know what they did to people? And why were they spending time looking for me? I'm worthless! Complete and utterly worthless! Also, I hate them. They made up most of the list.
Just let them come, I thought, your worthless anyway.
But I didn't. I knew I had to run. I couldn't let them add to the list.
And that's when I realized why will was with them! He added to the list and so they made him cool! If you add to the list you become cool. That's why everyone is cool. Everyone except me. Will didn't use to be cool either but now he obviously was. He added. And now he expects me to come with him. He will probably beat me up if I don't come willingly, but I don't care. I threw my stuff away hastily and I ran. Will spotted me and yelled "Nico! Stop! Please!"
I knew he was trying to trick me. He didn't want to befriend me. Run. Run, run, run, run, run. Keep running. Don't stop. But I was smaller than them and they were gaining on me.
Come on Nico, you can do it! I thought, you can't! Your not good enough!
That made me slow down even more. Will caught up to me first.he grabbed my arm,and I tried to pull away. The other two were still pretty far back. Will must really want to beat me up.
"Will, please let go!" I scream, as the other two were getting closer.i was still scared of them most. Them scare me so much my voice doesn't work sometimes.
"No you have to come back with me! I swore on the river Styx I would help!" Will declared loudly.
"Will please! Their getting closer!"
"Who? Are you in danger?"
Too late.
"Thanks, solace, for holding him. We will take it from here....but you can help if you want." Said the bulkier of the two bullies. I was still pulling, but now I was crying.
"Hold on, Nico, what's wrong?"
"Let go, please, let go!"
Will kept hanging on.
"Will you hold on to him, okay?"
"Okay, I guess, but Nic-"
The first punch was to my head. It hurt. A lot. But I kept pulling.
"Wait guys don't-!" Will realized what they were doing I guess. But it didn't matter. He wasn't going to help. The two bullies kicked and punched me all over my body. I crumpled to my knees. I had barely had any energy but I pulled, it was just barely so most people wouldn't feel it. I don't think Will even realized he was still holding on. Finally he realized and let go.
Too late now though, I thought as I passed out, but right before it went black I saw Will put himself in front of me, and takes the punches and kicks for me.

A broken soul- a solangelo  fanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now