And it felt right.

Instead of letting the fact that he was kissing a boy take over his thoughts, Zayn focused on the kiss.

The moment their lips parted Zayn brought them back together, resting his hand just beneath Harry's jaw.

Harry was blushing a deep red, and his heart was close to pounding out of his chest.

Zayn deepened the kiss a bit before he gently pulled back, looking into Harry's eyes.

Neither of them spoke, they just stared deep into each other's eyes, trying to figure out what the other was feeling.

"Your face is so red." Zayn said softly, making Harry laugh and fall back across his bed.

"I've wanted that for a long time." He said, looking at Zayn, whose lips were still tingling.

"Yeah...I've never felt anything like that. I-I mean when I kissed you before it was different but that was...." Zayn trailed off, at loss for words.

"Yeah." He said quietly, his head spinning.

Harry sat back up. "You're still sure about this, right? Like you want to try this?"

Zayn nodded. "I mean, after a kiss like that how can I say no?"

Harry smiled, tempted to kiss him again.

And next thing he knew, he was.

Zayn welcomed the kiss, liking the feeling.

But just moments later, a voice came from downstairs.

"Harry are you home? I've got quite the story to tell you. You're not going to believe what happened in Essex." Desmond called, coming upstairs.

"What d'you want me to do?" Zayn asked, noticing how panicked Harry looked now.

"Um...the closet go, go." He said quickly, following Zayn over to the closet and firmly closing the door after he stepped inside.

Desmond entered the room seconds later, nodding as a hello and sitting on Harry's bed. "Are you ready to hear this?" He asked.

"Um, I'm kind of busy dad," Harry said. "I'm doing homework."

"Oh." Desmond said, looking over at Harry's desk. "Sorry, I wasn't thinking. How was your day, though?"

"Great, actually." Harry smiled, remembering how incredible if felt to kiss Zayn again.

Desmond smiled as well. "I'm glad. Anything specific you want for dinner? I'm not cooking."

"Doesn't matter. Whatever you want." Harry shrugged.

"Alright. Oh, by the way, Gemma's coming home next weekend." He said as he got up and headed for the door.

"What?" Harry asked, frowning.


"Because this is where she lives, Harry. She's got a three week break and she wants to come see us and her mates." Desmond said. "Is there some reason you don't want your sister to come home?"

Harry swallowed, knowing Gemma would be in his business like she always was when they were kids.

Well, to be fair he was always in hers too, but that wasn't the point.

She would find out about Zayn and tell their father.

That, or tease him about it to no end.

He just knew it.

"No, I just...this is a surprise. I'm happy about it."

"Good. I'll be downstairs if you need me. I'll call you when dinner" He said before he walked off.

Harry sighed to himself, turning and opening his closet to find Zayn standing there holding the fake breasts.

"I-I just...they fell on me and I- this isn't what it looks like." Zayn said, blushing.

Harry chuckled. "Well you've felt them plenty before. Don't worry about it."

Zayn quickly put them back where they fell from, coming out of the closet.

"How am I going to get out of here?" He asked Harry.

"You could stay until he falls asleep." Harry suggested.

"I have a curfew, Harry. My parents are expecting me home for dinner and everything." Zayn chuckled.

"Fine, I'll sneak you out in a little bit." Harry decided.

"So you're just keeping here until you choose to sneak me out?" Zayn smiled, amused.

"Basically." Harry smiled at him, feeling much more comfortable around him now.

Things were quickly making their way back to like how it used to be, and Harry loved it.

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