"I'm not ready!" Elizabeth runs up to me.

"What?" I ask reaching for my books at the very back of my locker. I never use these books, so what's the point of bringing them home? I hate everything school related.

"Exams, stupid head. I bet you're not ready either." She rubs her face.

"I'm not- hold this," I hand her three of my biggest textbooks and grab the other two.

"Did you hear about the party on the weekend?"

"Nope," I say popping the 'p'. "And don't make me go because of Louis."

"I won't because we can't. It's invite only, and Brendon's going."

"That's because Brendon has a band, he's probably performing." I say clearly jealous that Brendon gets to go.

"Yeah, and so is Patrick- why am I still holding your books?" She snorts.

Patrick's one of Brendon's best friends since birth. He has his own band, too. Oh, and he's also one of our close friends.

"Hold two more," I stack two more on the pile and sigh. "I actually wanted you to make me go to that party and have that cliché scene where Louis looks at me and his jaw drops cause of how beautiful I am and then he asks me to dance-"

I hear snickering behind me and I look to see Jack staring at me. I turn back around to Elizabeth and my jaw drops. My heart beat is quickened to the maximum and I feel like screaming. Yeah, I wanted to be noticed, but not like this! Now he's probably going to tell Louis and Louis' going to embarrass me in front of everyone cause that's the asshole he is.

"So about the exams," She starts a new conversation and sends a glare to Jack. They walk away, back to not giving a damn about us and I feel all the blood in my body in my cheeks.

"Elizabeth," I whisper. "That was so embarrassing!"

"Honey, don't worry about it," She says. "He'll probably forget about you and what you said in the next hour. I mean, come on, who remembers people like us?"

Well, that hurts.

Her eyes widen when she realized what she said. "Oh, shit, no. That's not what I meant!"

I smile weakly. "It's okay, you're probably right, anyway. Let's just go to class."


Sometimes, I'm so afraid of what he has to say. Even if it's not to me.

"You use convection energy." Louis says, and the teacher nods her head proudly.

The teacher starts talking again, but I tune her out and stare at Louis' head like I normally do. How can he be right in front of me, yet still not know my name?

I feel a tap on my back. I turn around and see Patrick holding a broken pencil.

"Can you get me into the party?" I quietly ask.

"Oh, I was just asking for a new pencil." Patrick frowns.

I shake my head. "I know, here-" I hand him my pencil. "-but do you think you can get me in?"

Patrick clicks his tongue and shrugs with a grimace. "Chonces are, I can't. You know Jessica; top security everywhere just cause of what happened to her father. I can still try, though."

I know that means I can't get in for sure. I smile anyway and turn back around in my seat, tuning out the teacher and begin writing the poems I hold in my journal.

Wait, it's Jessica's party?

Break rolls around and I meet up with my 'crew'. Or as people would say, my squad.

"So I was thinking, I might get an eyebrow piercing." I say at our table and everyone goes silent.

"Eyebrow piercing?" Sarah asks.

I shrug. "Yeah. What do you guys think?"

I have actually been thinking about it for quite a while. I even photoshopped myself with the piercing, and if I do say so myself, I look pretty good with it.

"Up and down?" Brendon asks.

"Mhm," I smile.

Patrick looks at everyone. "I actually think you'd look pretty hot,"

Elizabeth nods in agreement.

"Thanks," I grin. "I'm planning to get it for my birthday next week."

"Next week?" A familiar voice says and I turn around. Jack is standing right above me with the ugliest smirk on his face.

I sigh and slouch in my seat.

"What's up, buddy?" Brendon asks.

"I just have the band schedules for the two of you." He shrugs and hands a piece of paper to Patrick. As Patrick and Brendon read over the paper, Jack stays in his spot.

"Bye!" I say in a questioning way and he leaves with a bitter chuckle.

Why is it that Jack can notice me but Louis can never?


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