Hearing the quiet taps of footfalls, she looked down to see they were walking on wood. She had returned back to the pier. It was less crowded down here, every so often there was a call or a splash. She leaned forwards and frowned, people were swimming in the dark water. The mere thought of that caused her to shudder. Looking to the side, she smiled when Erik leaned against the railing beside her.

Tilting her head to the side, she reached up and tapped on the mask he was currently wearing. "It's new," she smiled at the dark mask which was different to his usual white one. This one instead not only varied in colour, but in style. This one sat horizontally on his face, it stopped just on his nose and across his cheeks. It matched the rest of his outfit perfectly.

"Wardrobe," Erik stated while Fleurette's fingers slowly trailed down his cheek and smiled as he reached up and held onto her hand. "Though I am not sure it should be called that."

"It is a mess," Fleurette confirmed while turning her hand in his grasp and linking her fingers with his. "What bought you here?"

Erik smiled and stood away from the railing. "I had it on good accounts that you were travelling back to Paris tomorrow, and that this was sort of a farewell do." Fleurette smiled lightly and nodded. His eyes which were surrounded by black make up made his blue eyes stand out even more in the silver moonlight which had steadily enveloped the island, he looked at her and she just looked back at him, giving a nod she stepped a little closer to him and leaned her head against his shoulder.

Stepping out of a door had never been harder. The bright sunlight shafted through the windows of the foyer, and the large double doors. The tiled floor was getting slowly covered in a warm orange glow, one of which was slowly creeping up Fleurette's feet and legs. Tilting her head to the side, she turned slowly and looked over her shoulder. Fleck was the first to shuffle forwards, she swung her arms by her sides. Reaching up she patted Fleurette's hand. "Safe journey, be back soon." Kneeling down, Fleurette put her case down beside her. Lowering the case her fingers trailed over the handle before she looked at her friend.

Putting her hands on Fleck's shoulders, she slowly pulled her forwards, Fleck looked around a little confused before patting Fleurette on the back. "I'll miss you." Fleurette whispered so she could only hear, putting her at arm's length, Fleurette gave her one last smile before standing up. Just as she did so, she got swamped in a rather tight embrace.

"Oh, Fleur! It shall be so quiet without you! Sure, it is quiet anyway because you never stay up here, but it'll be quiet nonetheless!" Meg exclaimed in a rather speedy tone before letting Fleurette go. She breathed deeply and rubbed her neck from the tight grip which was previously on it. "Write to me!" Meg said seriously while pointing a finger at her. "I actually demand it. If you are to be gone for a month, I demand some letters."

Fleurette's expression softened, nodding slowly she put her hands together in front of her. "I will, you know I will! I'll want to know what's going on here...that and I'll miss talking to you."

"Naturally," Meg winked and laughed lightly. "We seem to have a habit of spontaneously parting ways, don't we?"

"Hm, my accident, my father's ball, the fire, yes," Fleurette flitted her eyes up to Meg. "We do."

"We need to stop," Meg insisted. "We really do."

"After this, I don't plan on going anywhere, I will be here, always."

Meg smiled and patted her on the shoulder. "I'll hold you to it you know?" She grinned, Fleurette nodded slowly. Giving her one last embrace, a rather tight one at that, Meg retreated, she looked around and frowned suddenly. "He's not here?"

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