Chapter 12

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Oh yeah people, I AM BACK!!!  BAM WHAAAAAT!! I'm really sorry for not updating for like 2 weeks (wow XoX), and since I had the time to write this chapter only three days ago, I spent those whole three days writing this chapter. See how much I love you and my book? Don't worry loves, I wasn't gonna leave you without a chapter *cries*.

*cries even more now that I think about one of my besties being abroad now*

*Cry me a river... *

Anyway, I hope you'll have fun reading this chapter :)

~kindness is being so rare nowadays that some people mistake it with flirtation~

"We have to talk." I told Brian after we finished our breakfast. He grabbed his then empty bowl of salad and put it in the sink before turning back to face me, his hands were holding onto the edges of the counter.

"What's wrong?" He asked, his eyebrows were slightly quirked up in question. Funny question, I wondered why he put it like that, since recently everything had been going wrong.

"Just don't ask any unnecessary questions okay? I just want the answer. Do you... Or did you, somehow, know my father?" I asked, the uncertainty was clear as day in my voice.

Confusion passed in his eyes as I asked that, he let go of the counter and folded his arms against his chest. "What the hell-"

"Brian." I silenced him. "I asked for a yes or a no. Nothing beyond that." I remarked and took a few steps toward him. He watched me with a clear confusion dipping in his blue eyes as I did so.

"No, I don't know your father." He answered in bewilderment, trying to restrain his annoyance as he did so.

"Okay," I mumbled. "Wait a minute." I raised up my index finger at him and then walked out of the kitchen and into our bedroom. I shoved out the binder I was looking for and went through it till I found the thing I was looking for.

"Here," I said as I entered the kitchen. Brian was standing exactly where he did before, his eyes were locked on the photo in my hand.

He looked at it for a few seconds before shifting his eyes to mine. "So you wanna tell me that this," he pointed at the dark haired man. "Is your father?"

"How did you get that photo? How do you even know my father?" I asked, the annoyance was already evident in my voice.

"God, Kim! How was I supposed to know this was your father if you have never even talked about him?! And I just got this binder from a co-worker of mine. Jeez! Why do you have to shove you nose everywhere?!" He asked as he ran his hand through his hair in irritation.


"Do you know the other one? The one which is standing beside him?" I asked impatiently.

"No! Gosh, this is just a photo, why do you have to make such a big of a deal out of it?!" He said as he grabbed the photo from my hands and walked out of the kitchen. I followed him.

"Well excuse me for me being interested in a photo of my father!" I exclaimed as we both entered our bedroom, emphasizing the last two words as I spoke.

He took a deep breath before turning back to face me. I could see how he was trying to keep his emotions on check while looking at me.

"I don't know, Kim. It was in the binder along with all of the other papers. Now, can we please drop it?" He said, surprising me by the drastic change in his voice.

At that moment it was my turn to take a deep breath. Brian turned his back to me once again to put the photo back into the binder before putting it on the shelf.

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