Chapter 6

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I needed to puke.

I was so drunk I wasn't able to even walk straight. That's the problem with drinking for the first time - you don't know it when you're crossing the limits, so you don't have any.

My body was rocking from side to side as I walked through the bar toward the restroom. I have never felt like this in my 24 years of life. Sure, I would drink sometimes in holidays or celebrations, but would never be that serious, only some dry red wine or something, but even then I wouldn't drink much.

After throwing up a couple of times I felt my phone buzzing in my purse. It was Brian.

"Hey babe," I spoke into the phone slowly.

"Kim? Where are you?" Brian's voice came out of the phone, concerned.

"I'm in the restroom." I hiccuped.

"Are you drunk?" He asked in disbelief, raising is voice in annoyance.

"Maybe," I giggled foolishly. "Is something wrong?" I tried to sound worried but my voice came out squeaky, making me sound ridiculous.

"You're asking me if there is something wrong?!  Are you serious?! You're drunk at the middle of the night, and I don't even know where you are!" He shouted into the phone.

"I'm in Rickhouse,  safe and sound,  so you can chill out. Please don't be mad at me,  baby. I just wanted to have some fun." I pouted.

What the hell?!

The line went silent. Too silent. I looked at the phone again to make sure he was still on the line.

"Wait for me outside of the bar, I'll come for you soon." He finally spoke  and with that the line went dead.

With no choice, I left the bar. The sun has already sat, giving the night it's turn to take over. It was still young, only 8:00 pm. Cars and other vehicles were passing in front of me as I was waiting for Brian's one to appear among them.

The night was cold, the cool wind was caressing my body, making goosebumps to appear on every bare skin it'd came in contact with. 
Obviously, waiting in the cold air, wearing a tight shirt and a short skirt wasn't a good idea. So after something that felt like hours, I decided to warm up inside the bar.

I walked into the long hallway and turned back toward the entrance again just to walk into a broad chest of someone.

"Anthony?" I asked in astonishment. I looked up at him to face a pair of confused olive eyes. His auburn hair was messed in a kind of attractive way.

Where the hell did that come from?

"Excuse me?" He asked in perplexity.

"Oh, umm.. sorry, I thought you were someone else." I felt my cheeks getting hot as he checked me out from head to toe shamelessly.

"No problem." He said with half a smile, "I'm Andre" he introduced himself and offered his hand to me.

"Oh, I'm Kim." I said and shook it lazily.

"Kim!" A voice from behind Andre called out for me.

Our eyes snapped to the source of the voice immediately. A frown appeared on my face when my eyes met him. It was Brian and he wasn't very happy to see me.

"Oh, Andre, this is my Brian, boyfriend." I outstretched my hand. Indicating at the man in front of us when I suddenly understood what I'd just said. "I mean, this is my boyfriend, Brian." I giggled.

"Yeah, I think I should go now." He said, completely uninterested with me now.

"Bye," I said when I felt a strong hand gripping into mine, dragging me outside the bar, his grip on my hand had been so strong, I thought he might rip through my skin with his fingers.

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