Chapter 1

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This chapter is dedicated to Dianora_De_Rai for always encouraging and helping me with everything I do. Thank you so much <3



Trees and cars were passing in front of me, illuminated by the flashlights while we were driving.

I was laying on a stretcher, looking through the ambulance's window with half closed eyes which had burnt from staying opened for so long. My head was swimming, too heavy for me to raise so I'd be able to look at my mom who was holding my hand, squeezing it gently in attempt to reassure me that everything was going to be fine.

I could feel the blood dripping down my head, tickling my temple as my head was turned to the side. The top of my head was throbbing, my body was cold and numb.

I looked at the white sheet underneath me which was stained with little drops of blood.

The loud siren was the only thing invading my eardrums. Every other voice or sound seemed immaterial to me, not important anymore as I waited impatiently for the ambulance to reach it's destination.

When we'd arrived to the hospital, I was sent right to the ICU. My mother wasn't anywhere to be found anymore, I was surrounded by some doctors, or nurses. I didn't remember who, or how many of them had been there because neither of it seemed important to me.

Suddenly, I felt a sharp pain erupting on top of my scalp, spreading all over my body and shutting it completely.

My eyes had closed slowly, and with that I welcomed the deep darkness embracing me, pulling me into it and shutting my body and my mind.

- - - - - - - - - - - - -

2 hours ago

I was driving in my new red Mazda while listening to Taylor Swift's album. It was 9 pm, the sky had already got a dark shade of blue, it was almost black. It was barely possible to see something from the windshield.

A few minutes later, I got a phone call. It was from Brian.

"Hey, something happened?" I asked through the phone speaker, still concentrating on the road.

"Nope. Can't a guy call his girlfriend because he misses her?" He asked seductively, making a huge grin to spread all over my face.

"Not when she's driving her car, you know it can be dangerous talking through the phone while driving." I replied with the same seductive tone as his.

"Mm... You know what else can be dangerous?" He whispered into the phone, making a giggle escape my lips.

"What?" I asked in a fake curiousity.

"Me." He said and started roaring affectively.

We both burst into a deep laughter, I was laughing so hard my stomach started aching.

"So." He began when our laughter had come to an end. "When are you gonna be home?"

"About half an hour or so. I'm in the highway right now." I said, bringing my full attention back to the road again.

"Okay. See you soon then, baby." He replied sweetly and with that the line went dead.

When Taylor's album had come to an end, I went through some other discs, looking up at the road every few seconds. An abrupt horn had caught my attention, I looked up right away to see a white car coming into view.

My eyes widened and my pulse started raising immediately. I turned the steering wheel automatically and almost fell onto the next seat when my car started spinning around.

Panic took over me as I'd tried to get a full control over the car again, my hands were sweating and I started panting in fear and nervousness. And then, without any warning, the car ran into something.

It came to a halt immediately, making my body flew forwards, causing my head to hit the windshield. Hard. I felt abrupt electricity running through my nerves and a sharp pain to occur in the top of my head, making a deep moan of pain escape my lips.

I laid my head on the steering wheel, surrendering to the pain invading my body and attacking every single cell of it. Feeling something liquid running down my lips, I shoved my tongue out to lick them, causing to a strong flavor of metal make its way into my mouth and attack the corner of my tongue.

It was blood.

I covered my face with my hands only to find them all covered in blood. My eyes widened in horror.


I kept laying there for a bit longer, praying for the pain to disappear and to wake up from that horrible nightmare. But it wasn't a nightmare and the pain didn't seem to let go. I'd taken a deep breath in attempt to calm myself down when a tang of fuel cut through my nostrils.

Oh, gosh.

With the little strength I still had in me, I pushed the door open and got out of my damaged car. The second my legs had stepped on the grass, they started giving in, making me stumble and fall onto the humid ground.

That was the first time it happened. I wasn't ready for that or for the other things coming next which the universe had planned for me. I just hoped for it all to end, to go back to my sweet mom and my loving boyfriend and get back to the normal, peaceful life I used to have till then.

If only I knew...

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