Chapter 8

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Check out Anthony's gorgeous - ness up there *-*

I was staring at the road, examining the many different cars which were passing by. The air was cool, but not too cold, making it more bearable for me to stand outside. It'd been 15 minutes since I'd talked to Anthony, and he hadn't shown up yet.

"What such a young and beautiful maiden like you is doing here alone?" A sudden voice uttered from behind me, making me jump in surprise.

I turned around to face a tall, brunette guy with dark chocolate eyes. He was wearing a dark grey suit with matching dress pants. 

"You scared me," I put my hand on my chest, feeling the fast heartbeats of mine through my shirt.

A small smirk formed on his lips as I'd said that.

"Are you waiting for someone?  Do you need a ride home?" He asked in curiosity, although his eyes didn't show any emotion at all. In fact, they were completely blank.

My eyes had shifted back to the road when I saw the familiar black BMW entering the bar's parking lot.

I let out a deep breath of relief that I didn't even realize I was holding till then.

"Umm no," I declined politely and without sparing him a glace, I burst onto the road.

A sharp breath was taken through my mouth as I'd seen a car approaching from the corner of my eyes. I turned to look at the direction of the car with widen eyes. I surely wasn't expecting that.

I froze.

I couldn't even move an each. My body froze in fear immediately, making the panic to raise within me and my heart to almost rip out of my chest.

An abrupt sound of braking was uttered through the whole parking lot, hitting my eardrums with such force, I could feel my heart beating in my ears and a sharp pain to spread within them.

A shiver ran down my body as I'd realized the car had come to a halt. It was standing mere inches away from me.

I could feel my arms and legs beginning to shake from the adrenaline rush. My heart was pounding frantically, wildly in my chest,  making me pant.

A few seconds later, I felt someone's hand pulling me back to the pavement.

I turned around to face the stranger's face again who still had his hold on me.

"You should be more careful sweet heart, danger may be lurking anywhere." His eyes sparked as he said those menacing, intimidating words which made a shiver run down my spine

His hand let go of my arm, and without wasting anymore time, I turned around and walked toward Anthony who was now standing outside his car. His eyes were glued to mine, full of suspense and concern. They'd held so much intensity, I could barely keep my eyes on his.

This time, I didn't forget to check if there was any car coming my way.

"Hey," I greeted him with a small smile I managed to put on my lips.

"Hey. Who was that?" He asked, not even bothering to smile at me.

"I don't really know, he was standing there while I was waiting for you." I explained with a shrug. The adrenaline rush hasn't quite diffused yet, since my heart was still pounding wildly in my chest.

He frowned, a thoughtful look had been held in his distant eyes which widened suddenly as if something had clicked in his mind.

"Are you cold?" He asked after looking me up and down.

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