Chapter 29

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He called me by my first name. He only ever did that when situations were serious. Like when my father died.

He cared for my life.

I stood up quickly, still in awe. Mari regained her position behind my back again. She stood there, shaking a little.

Peter had already taken out his gun while Mari continued to tense up behind me.

She was scared.

For the first time, I could feel how vulnerable she was and it was now clear to me how scared she must've always felt inside.

She never wanted to be made the way she was. Life just happened to toss her like trash. She put on a brave front and acted cold because she didn't want anyone to see the fear behind her eyes. That was why she also kept her human form.

She didn't want to let go of what she once was. She wanted to still be remembered, she wanted to be known.

She feared death because it meant that she would be forgotten. She would be forgotten just like the rest of the Demolishers who were so easily killed each day.

"Sebastian? C'mon..."

She called my name. She wanted me. Wait no, she needed me. She needed my presence and my protection because I was the only one who could protect her. I was also the only one who didn't turn away from her because she was a Demolisher.

I was able to still see the beauty in her despite who she was. Even in her state, I still found her to be absolutely beautiful.

But I just couldn't help her this time.

When she saw that I wasn't going to do anything, she immediately moved away as Peter began to fire bullets at her.

The only I thing I could do was watch.

I watched the two people who had made a large impact in my life fight in front of me.

I had to admit, Mari was incredibly skilled. She made sure to avoid each shot that Peter fired whether it involved fast dodges or acrobatic tricks.

I, on the other hand, just kept staring in awe. I didn't know what to do. I was still in that state of morale.

I buried my face in my hands and crouched down, letting out a cry of frustration.

I was done. I was done with overthinking. I was done not thinking twice about the decisions I made. I was done always trying to do the right thing but wanting to try out the wrong too. I was done masking my true emotions to make myself feel better. I was done.

I was done...

Mari even manged to kick his gun away but not too far. Peter reached out for it while Mari charged towards Peter, lifting her claws.

I widened my eyes and ran into the fight scene, standing in between them.

My presence took Mari by surprise and she nearly gave me the attack that she had planned for Peter. She stopped and stared at me with a slightly confused expression.

"Why didn't you help me?"

I stared back at her with a hard look and could feel Peter standing behind me.

"Stay away from it Seb. It'll try to kill you," he warned.

"Don't shoot her Peter," I told him, glancing at his face.

He furrowed his eyebrows and stared at me incredulously. "What? What are you saying?"

I didn't meet his eyes. "That's an order."

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