Chapter Twenty Nine: My Son!

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"Majesty," I say his name loud enough for him to hear me.

"Be quiet," he whispers so I fall silent.

What is he thinking?

"Something is important about this Luke. About Kevin. The way he spoke...its like he came here to this land just for," Lenny goes to say.

"Just because of Kevin. I got that too. Its like this is more then just some stupid evil plot its a lot more then that. Its almost like revenge against Kevin because of whatever happened between them. I have to figure out what that was. If I can I might be able to stop this," I tell Lenny.

"Exactly. We got two years...we already know a big chunk. Lets hope its enough."

Suddenly I feel sick. This horrible sickening pain in my stomach and I cling onto the chair as the pain rips through my whole body. "Lenny," I say to him.

"I think its your cells Luke," he whispers.

"Not again," I say as I find myself slipping into the darkness once more.

Sanjay's POV

I stumble onto my knees beside a lifeless Luke. The Doctor beside him looking just as lifeless. I gasp at the sight as I take Luke's hand. "Luke can you hear me! Luke please wake up. Don't do this to me!" I scream in anger as the tears slid down my face.

"What is going on?" says Jay looking just as upset and scared.

"Doctor Luke!" I hear someone shouting as a women with ginger hair and a man beside her running over towards us.

"Who are you? What is happening?" I ask in fear.

"Something happened they were in the Tardis. We were on our way back but something happened to the Tardis. They just vanished and the Tardis stopped about a mile away from here. Oh my...Rory they aren't dead are they?" she says looking traumatized.

Rory drops down beside me checking the Doctor and Luke. "I can't find a pulse but you told me the Doctor can't die. He regenerates so what is going on!"

"No...has to be a pulse. No check again! Luke can't be dead!" I scream.

"Luke's dead," cracks a voice from right behind me. I turn to find Sky, Clyde and Rani looking shocked, concerned and angry all at the same time.

"No...he can't be," I say crying.

Suddenly an outburst of energy came from the Doctor and he shot up looking frantically around him. He noticed everyone's shocked and upset faces and looks to find Luke in my arms still lifeless.

"Help him...he can't be dead," I whisper to him now. Pleading with him, begging him to bring Luke back. I need him! We all need him...

"He's not dead," the Doctor says quickly.

"He has no pulse," Rory tries to explain to the Doctor.

"Luke is alive. Trust me."

"Why won't he wake then!" I shout at him.

"Its a Trance State. Its to make you seem dead. Its to fool anyone that comes across your body," the Doctor tells us.

"Why is he in a Trance state?" Sky asks this time.

"The Tardis it did it to protect us both from what took us," the Doctor explains.

"Who took you? None of this makes sense Doctor," says the ginger hair women I still have no name for.

"Its hard to explain," the Doctor begins.

"Is anyone going to tell me why my son looks dead!" demands a voice to my right. I turn my head slightly to find a middle age man in rough looking style clothing glaring over at Luke in my arms.

"Your son?" I say looking at him in confusion. What the heck is going on!

"Kevin how are you here?" the Doctor asks.

"I came aboard your spaceship. You left without even asking. You left me behind...Luke is all that means something to me now. Don't you understand?"

"Luke is more then just a random kid you adopted," begins the Doctor.

"You don't think I know that? I had my secrets too...he is still my son."

The Doctor shakes his head, "Your lands...without you," the Doctor begins.

"They will be fine. Its all over now. Joe will make the lands better once more. Where Luke is from now on is my home. Now tell me why he looks dead?" he demands.

"He is in a Trance State," says the Doctor.

"What? You have a lot of explaining to do and...who are all you?" he questions.

"Seems like everyone has a lot of explaining to do," says Sky looking angry, upset, confused and interested all at the same time. She looks exactly how I feel.

What is going on because none of this makes any sense at all!


Needs Editing

Thanks for reading.

Sorry its all in different time zones and places but I wanted to make it this way! Confusing but hope you all get what is going on.

Stay tuned for the next chapter!

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